Dial Drunk (Imagine)

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I was drunk in my car, was I driving drunk? Yeah and I hated it, but I needed to get home. This wasn't the first time I got wasted at the bar in the past six months that I haven't been with Matt. I lost someone I thought I could loose, I thought it was going to be okay without him, but I was a mess. I promised everyone that I would forget him, but I haven't, and I wouldn't, and here I was, calling him while driving, in the pouring down rain, and it getting sent straight to voicemail. I've been blaming it on my medicine, I didn't want to take any fault. I wasn't proud of throwing Matt under the bus whenever someone asked me why I kept my behavior up, because I no longer knew him. I was young, I was always drunk, and I was alone. I have even gotten arrested more than once, and I would always give Matt's number as my emergency contact, but he would hang up, even shocking the cops. I had just gotten pulled out of my car after getting pulled over again, and they threw me in the back of the car. We got down to the station, and then I was given the phone and they asked for the number.

"You've called this number before and they refused to pick you up," I could see some sympathy in his eyes.

"Thank you, sir, just let me call, I'll give you my blood alcohol, I'll rot with all the burn outs in the cell," I just kept going, vomiting my words, "I'll change my faith, I'll praise the flag, just wait, I swear he'll call me back."

"Oh, honey, are you a danger to yourself?" He asked.

"Fuck that sir, just let me call," I started to plead, "I'll give you my blood alcohol, I'll. rot. with. all. the. burn. outs. in. the. cell. I'll change my faith, I'll kiss the badge, just wait, I swear he'll call me back."

"Honey, why do you do this to yourself," He sighed.

The phone rang and rang, and there again, he picked up but hung up not even ten seconds after. I dial drunk, I'll die a drunk, I'd die for him. 


Hi everyone!!! I hope you enjoyed this song!!! I have been SO obsessed with it, since it came out, so I needed to do an imagine about it, it only felt right :)

I love you all so much <3

413 Words!

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