Fight (Imagine)

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I wasn't one for parties, but once and a while Matt will drag me to one, and I wouldn't complain. I loved spending time with my boyfriend, I just hated to party, they're annoying as hell sometimes. I had finished getting ready, and ended up heading over to the triplet's house early, because I was bored ad was going to be over there anyway. While I waited for the three boys to get finished I just sat on the couch scrolling TikTok. 

"You ready?"

"I have been this entire time," I gave him a sarcastic smirk.

"Let's go THEN," Chris yelled, and ran down to the car, skipping steps.

I got in the back with Nick and quickly hooked my phone up to the car before Chris did.

"If you play Taylor Swift, I swear to god (Y/N)-" Chris groaned.

"I wasn't going to but now that you say that-" I turned on End Game, and got a groan out of Chris.

"Compromise, Future is in this song," I rolled my eyes.

"You're insufferable," He rolled his eyes, and not even 30 seconds later I caught him lip syncing to the song.

We arrived right as End Game finished and I got out of the car, Matt coming to my side. We walked in  quickly Nick and Chris saw a friend and went to talk to them. I saw a girl glances at Matt and I and smirking, so I decided to head her way just to see if I could hear what she was talking about.

"Why are we going over here, there's nothing over here-" Matt started.

"Shh, I'm just listening," I replied, pulling his arm so he was facing me.

I leaned up and kissed his face, catching him by surprise, but he didn't stop me.

"You'd think that they wouldn't come, you know, because of how many people hate her, I don't understand why he's with her, she's such a bitch," I heard the girl, she was laughing.

I broke away from Matt and just leaned up against the wall, still facing him.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked softly.

"Nothing, yet," I replied.

"There's that gleam in your eyes when you're about to beat the shit out of someone, who?"

"Her," I tilt my head towards the girl, and Matt glances at her, without turning his body.

"Why," He cocked an eyebrow.

"She's being a bitch that's why," I rolled my eyes.

I heard her mention me again, so I quickly walked up to her, and put on a petty grin.

"Hi! I heard you mention my name! So I figured I should be apart of the conversation, right?" I grinned.

"Uhm, hi," They girl glanced at her friend and they both laughed.

"So what're we talking about?" I kept the fake smile plastered.

"Uhm, nothing," The girl tried not to laugh again.

"That's actually crazy, because I swore I heard you call me a bitch," My smile dropped.

"You must be hearing things," She rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah I must be," I turned on my heel and heard her whisper to her friend.

I turned around again and punched her right in the nose. She screamed and grabbed my hair.

"You know," I punched her again, "For a girl with such a fucking big mouth," Another punch right to the head, "You'd learn," I hit her head on the side of the wall, "How to fight."

"GET OFF OF ME YOU WHORE!" She smacked my arms.

"Gladly," I dropped the hold I had on her, and fell to the ground.

"You fucking psycho," She grabbed my leg, pulling me down, pushing me in the forehead.

I pinned her to the ground, and punched her repeatedly in the face. 

"ALRIGHT. ENOUGH." Matt, pulled me off of her, "WE'RE LEAVING."

"Fuck you! You broke my nose!" She screamed.

"Free nose job, you needed one anyway," I wiped my nose, which was bleeding.

"Chris, Nick, we're leaving," Matt spoke, still practically dragging me out of the house.

They followed behind, and Matt finally let me go when we got to the car.

"Get in the car, let's get you home to clean you up."

The car ride was quiet for about five minutes before I piped up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was going to get that out of hand, I just don't like when people think they can talk down to me," I sigh.

"I'm not mad, kind of thought it was hot, nothing is more hotter than a girl who stands up for herself," He laughed.


HELLOOOOOO EVERYONE !!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS IMAGINE !!! It is actually a PREQUEL to an imagine I wrote a bit ago called Fight Aftermath, so for OG readers, the ending will sound very familiar :))) AND AND AND this imagine was requested by @NevaehWarren6 which I'm glad she did because it was fun to write :))) If you have a request leave it in the comments, dm me on here, or on my Instagram, it's iamfinallycl3an !!! 

I love you all so much !!!

805 Words!

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