Burn The House Down (Imagine)

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(IMPORTANT A/N: Honestly I'm doing this imagine based off of the vampire diaries scene I have linked above because I've been kind of getting back into that phase. I'm gonna try to humanize it a little bit but like Y/N in this imagine is going to have like a psychotic breakdown instead of like yk what actually happened- well anyway you'll find out, and like instead of all the people elena is name dropping in it its gonna be Y/N's family also im changing the plot a little youll see. They are all over the age of 21 in this as well. chris is in stefans role basically, matt is in damons role, and nick is in caroline's role. I will be keeping some names though because my brain isn't working OKAY SORRY DONE EXPLAINING NOW BYE)

3rd Person P.O.V

(Y/N) ran down the stairs crying as her thoughts were racing through her brain, she was scared, terrified even not knowing what she was capable of in such a vulnerable state. 

"Guess we're gonna have to do this the old fashion way put him on the couch." She said to Chris as he was holding her brothers lifeless body.

They didn't kill him, they found him dead, in his room, surrounded by pills. It was hard for her to see her younger brother there, had taken his own life, knowing he was all she had left, her parents? dead. her aunt? dead. The newest addition to the death list other than her brother was her aunts boyfriend, he was there for (Y/N) but also, honestly, a friend for everyone there. 

"Do what?" Nick whispers. "(Y/N)." 

She started frantically looking through the kitchen cabinets not being able to find what she was looking for.

"(Y/N) do you need help finding something?" A hint of fear was in Nick's voice.

Finally she opened a cabinet door and pulled out lighter fluid. "Got it."

"What are you doing?" Chris asked, stunned as he watched her spray it all over the kitchen.

"We need a cover story right? Did you think I didn't hear you guys talking earlier? Well what are we going to say? Depression? Mentally unavailable? No. we burn the house down with him inside of it." Her voice was cracking while she spoke, spraying the flammable liquid all over the downstairs.

"(Y/N) stop it." Chris was stern with her, sometimes if she wouldn't listen to her boyfriend she would listen to him. 

"Why? Because you don't want me to be in denial? You want me to face the truth? This is the truth Chris. I don't wanna live here anymore!" She continued squeezing the bottle. "I don't want these photos, I don't want this xbox." 

She ran out of fluid and threw it down, grabbing a bottle of bourbon that her aunt's boyfriend kept there. "Not gonna need this bourbon anymore. He isn't here to drink it unless you guys find a way to bring back every single person that's died to get him back, would you?" She moved closer to her boyfriend.

"I know you want your drinking buddy back. Would you Matt? Because I wouldn't." She got in his face.

"Does that make me a bad person? I have no idea." She let her tears fall from her face as she poured bourbon on her dead brothers body and took off his ring. "He's not gonna need that anymore."

She threw the ring to Matt as more tears fell from her face.

"(Y/N) STOP IT YOU'RE SCARING ME!" Nick was in tears out of fear.

"WHAT ELSE ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO WITH THE BODY NICK. I MEAN THERE'S NO ROOM IN THIS FUCKING FAMILYS LOT!" She threw down a picture frame. "JENNA AND JOHN TOOK THE LAST SPOTS" She threw the bottle of alcohol down and lit a match on the mantle with a swipe.

"(Y/N). (Y/N) stop. " Chris tried to remain calm and tried to reach for her. 

"THERE'S NOTHING HERE FOR ME ANYMORE CHRIS. Every inch of this house. Is filled with memories of the people that I love that have died. My mom. My dad. Jeremy and Jenna and Alaric and John. Even John. I mean they're all dead everyone is dead. So wh- what am i sup- how am i gonna- I can't even- There's nothing left for me- AH." The match burnt her hand and she dropped it. 

Matt quickly moved his hand and caught it causing him to burn himself slightly but putting it out. 

"(Y/N). I need you to calm down." Matt spoke softly moving in front of her. 

"NO NO NO I CAN'T!" She fell to the grown crying. "I can't I can't I can't I can't I ca- I can't. It hurts. It hurts. Make it stop. Please make it stop it hurts." 

She was sobbing on the floor Matt just staring at his girlfriend, seeing her in a mess on the ground. 

"Matt. Help her." Chris spoke softly.

Matt crouched down next to her and pulled her into a huge rocking her back and forth. He put his head on her head as she cried having a firm clutch on his arm.

"I want you to let me help you," He looked her in the eyes. "Let me help you."

"How," She was still crying but calmed down a bit.

"Turn it off,"

"What, Matt no." Chris spoke up but he waved him off.

"Just turn it off, everything will go away, that's all you have to do, It's what I want you to do." He placed his hand on her cheek not breaking eye contact with her.

She felt something in her head click almost, her emotions started to die down, she started to feel her body relax, get away from all the hurt she was feeling. It was like nothing had ever happened she was dead faced. She couldn't feel a thing.


WELL HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THAT I KNOW ITS PROBABLY A LITTLE ROCKY AND I APOLOGIZE BUT HONESTLY IT WAS QUITE FUN WRITING IT ! I will be doing more vampire diaries scenes in the future honestly, and if there is any other shows you'd like me to base imagines off of let me know !

much love <333

900 sumn words <333

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