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Hurricane Agatha had hit the Outer Banks, and oh boy did she leave a mess. JJ had stayed the night, well knowing Liz didn't enjoy storms. They were unpredictable and she hated that. Liz got up and looked outside, seeing the disaster Agatha left. She walked out into the kitchen to see her mom and her sister sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Morning hun" her mother said

"Morning" Liz smiled, sitting next to Ellie

"Where JJ?" Ellie asked

"Sleeping" Liz stated just before her bedroom door opened and out walked the tired blonde. She giggled at his puffy eyes as he came in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Liz.

"Morning J" she said amd he groaned in response

After getting dressed and ready, Liz looked outside to see John B waiting down at her dock in his boat, the HMS Pogue.

"JJ, John B is here" Liz told the boy who got up very quickly. He looked like a dog, that when you say walk their ears perk up.

Liz and JJ said bye to Ellie and Her mom before walking down to the dock. JJ got into the boat first and turned to Liz.

"M'lady" JJ put him his hand to help her

"Now boarding the HMS Pogue, the Pogue princess, Elizabeth Hart" John B announced in funny voice as she stepped into the boat and she bowed mockingly.

"Why thank you kind sir" Liz giggled before they started to go towards Popes house.

"good mornin!" Liz waved to some people as they passed docks with a big smile on her face

"Sure hope Guffys boat didn't sink he doesn't have insurance" JJ said

"Hi Miss Amy! You guys get through it?"

"Still here" she said

"She totally looked at me" JJ said

"Yeah she did I saw"

"She totally didn't" Liz muttered

"Dude look at this place"

"Agatha, what did you do?"

"She is a crazy lady"

"Well look who we have here" John be said as they came towards Popes dock

"We have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory" John B said mimicking a walkie talkie static

"I can't, my pops got me on lockdown" Pope said

"Come on man, your dads a pussy over" jj did doing the same as John b

"Oh I heard that you little bastard" Heyward said.

"We need your son" Liz told told Heyward

"Yeah, and island rules. Day after hurricanes a free day" JJ stated

"Who the hell made that up?" Heyward asked

"Uh..pentagon I think. We have security clearance. I have a card"

"You think I'm stupid?"

"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise-" Pope tried to reason with his father

"No, no- hell no. You doin it right now"

"Get in the boat" John b whispered

"Make a run for it"


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