Can We Fast Forward?

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I eyed them all from the opening above on the roof.

“Seems we have a bit of a… recommendation.” He cooly flicked his cigarette to the ground and crushed it with his shoes before proceeding to grab a new one.

 “New person?” questioned a Russian, albeit a rather fat one. He spoke for everybody else, as no other questions were asked.

I waited for a signal. Just as thought, my ears perked to the sudden snap of Spy’s fingers. I jumped from my position and landed right beside him, getting a full view of my… team.

“A WOMAN?!” exclaimed a soldier.

“YES IT IS GIRL!” chimed in the Russian.

“A-HAH! A lad! A bloody lad, fellas!”

“Mhnm hmm hnmm!”

“Hoo wee boys, it’s a spy!”

“You gotta be kiddin’ me!”

“Vat fine bones she has!”


“Spy, c’mon, man,” a baseball maniac stepped up, shook his head disapprovingly and pointed a bat at me. “Look, I ain’t playin’ around, princess. There’s no way she could-“

With a sudden flick of my hand, I lodged his baseball he was holding to the wall. The room became still. I eyed everyone down, just as they had to me earlier. It was kind of a heavy atmosphere, almost heavier than the Russian. In the midst of silence I heard a small chuckle coming from the corner of the room.

“Yeah, real funny, Mundy, real funny,” the boy glared.

 “Ahem,” Spy continued, “as I have begun, we will be homing with a new teammate. She is of further down the family lineage, the Moreau family.” And with that, Spy cloaked himself and escaped, leaving me to fend against a room of stupid. I had not moved.

“Pleasure to meet’cha, Miss,” a Texan man stepped up and offered his hand, “Dell.” Beneath my mask I surfaced a light smile, nodded my head and shook his hand, “Ava.”

“Da!! Ava want sandvich?!” the big man asked. He seemed to have whipped out a nicely-cut triangle sandwich out of nowhere… I don’t know where it’s been… I shook my head no. These people were pretty abnormal.

The room was pretty nice and homely, its roof had a great hole in it, but it was made of wood. There were no doors; just an open entrance from the outside from both sides. Inside this room there was a white cabinet labeled only with a red cross; a medic’s fine provisions, and a team’s savior. Its handles were beginning to rust after long uses in battle. A handy aid. To another corner in this room was a table of chess, occupied by the medic and the crazed soldier.

“An army is intelligent. They move all at ONCE!” roared the soldier, as he pushed all of his pawns towards the other side of the board. On the other, fair side however…

“Idiot! Zat is not how you play!”

“There is no playing on the battlefield!”


“Ich bin I JUST KICKED YOUR ASS.” Frustrated, the doctor pushed his chair backwards, stormed out of the room and went upstairs to where Dell had also gone off to a few minutes ago.

“AMERICA WINS AGAIN!” taunted the soldier. He stood and quickly saluted his victory.

“Aw piss,” muttered Mundy. I glanced over to him, “rain on the way.” He  re-adjusted his hat and kept a cool stare outside, his gaze fixed onto an oncoming raincloud. Slowly, I walked towards the same window he was looking out of and shared the view with him. Grasses that trailed the entrance to this little cabin began to sway and sooner possessed the flow of ocean waves. I felt the rush of wind drying my eyes. Even with my mask on, I finally felt a slight droplet of water on my face. It seemed very fake, as moments earlier the weather was looking just fine. Shortly these droplets became constant, and I peered over to the very still Mundy, who’s glasses were dotted with multiple beads of water.

“DAAAAGH!! RAIN!!” the big man whined, “Ohhhh, it is sad day!” He pulled out another sandwich, maybe to eat his feelings away.

“A-hah!” baseball boy snatched the sandwich out of the man’s hand and dashed outside. “Oh I’m sorry, didya want this?” I watched as he waved the food in the air.

“You are dead! I will squash you like bug!”

“Ahahaha! Oh yeah? Well how’d you like-“

The roar of thunder chimed and rain fell right on his head almost instantly. His hat was knocked off; probably broken, too. He was completely soaked. Soon after, a room full of laughter erupted in this tiny, cozy cabin in the middle of a massive thunderstorm.

“Aw, crap!” he sulked and trudged right back into the cabin, having thrown the already-drenched sandwich on the ground; he had no use for it anymore.  

I eyed my knife that was still plunged into the wall, along with the baseball. I walked over to it and removed it, tossing away the holed baseball to the ground. I leisurely made my way to the stairs just as the medic and Dell had done and went up. I am stuck with a team full of imbeciles. 

Who's a Spy? (Team Fortress 2 - Scout) - HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now