The Star Player

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A slight ‒actually, not so slight; round, really‒ thing bumped onto my head and I stirred awake.

"Aaahh! Vodka, dere's sum-n' on da couch!" Oh no, I knew that voice all too much. Imbecile number one. I sat up, uncloaked and revealed myself to a fit of Russian laughter. 


To which the stinky boy replied, "The one time I sit on that couch... she appears! Who the hell set this up??" He looked from all directions, making sure no one else was to see what had just recently happened. After, he slyly took out a purple-colored drink, also from thin air like the way the sandwich appeared. What kind of magic house is this. 

All the while I just blinked. Just blinked. These people were crazy... I was recommended to work with these people? That Spy's sure got another thing coming. Did he recommend me to the right team, at least? 

"Hey, hey you," Scout stalked towards me, "new girl, new spy, m'right?" I nodded, really unsure of what just went on. I just woke up.

"Alright," he deathly whispered, "We don't need anotha spyI'm da star player a' dis team, Princess. If ya'd like some advice, just stay outta da way 'nd try not ta get'cha self hurt." I had soaked in only... maybe half of what he said. I was still a bit groggy, but this was enough to trigger the unsettling boil that was forming in my stomach. Slowly I arched my eyes at him and stood up from the couch. Just now I had noticed that the rain hadn't stopped since I napped, but it provided a nice ambience for the atmosphere. I inched towards him, eyeing him down like the little rat he was. 

I whispered back, "I'm not going to promise anything."


I really should have made this longer... actually, it should've been on the last chapter! But I wanted the last chapter to be all about the engineer and some about the medic, and couldn't add this in, so I figured I could make a new chapter and just kind of-

hope that's okay.

next chapter will be longer. 

Who's a Spy? (Team Fortress 2 - Scout) - HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now