Stimulate My Senses

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"Wake up, Avalanche," Scout jabbed the side of my head with his baseball bat. "We're here."

I buried my face into my knees even deeper and muffled, "That's not funny..."

"SHH!!" I heard Heavy. "Baby man must not wake Ava and friends." 

"Are you kidding me? She's awake!‒"


"Oh.. oh right... got'cha," Scout loudly whispered. "I'll make sure you pile everyone else up on your shoulders. You're right ‒ they need the rest. Hey, not that it matters much or anything," he increased his volume, "but doesn't Demo weigh a lot‒"

I forced up a yawn. "Oh, looks like I'm awake. It's okay, Heavy, I'm not tired now." I thoughtfuly tilted my head onto my finger. "Say... Scout looks pretty tired to me. Not that it matters much or anything, but I think he needs you to carry him."

"Very well!" Heavy pursed his lips.

"Wh-wha? No!" Scout pushed his palms forward. Heavy slowly neared him. 

"SHH... baby man need rest. He is WEAK!" Heavy lifted him up with one hand and carried him over his shoulder. He was on the bottom, and everyone else was topped right onto him. Everyone except Mundy and Dell. They were awake.

"This ain't fair!" Scout pummeled his fists against Heavy's back. "Ugh... let‒me‒GO!" And he squeezed himself free from the weight of the others. Surprisingly. I stifled a laugh. 

Scout landed with a thud on the ground right in front of me. "You laughing at me, huh?" 

I swayed past him. "No... not at all." 

Heavy pushed a big red button, and the gates to our base opened. Home at last, and I was as tired as... well... nothing. I wasn't tired at all. I checked behind me, and Scout crossed his arms and stubbornly spun his head in a different direction.

"Ava," Dell walked next to me. "Fixed up a bed in your room. No need to thank me; I need a lil' easy exercise every now and then. Catch up on some rest."

"I think I already did in the van," I smiled. "Thank you." 

As I went up the stairs, passed the hallways and entered my room, sure enough there was a bed. Almost an exact replica as before. There were even clean bed sheets on it! I sighed, stretched and left my shoes at the entrance. I tossed my gear on the night stand and easily crawled in, lifting the covers and bringing them up to my nose. The pillow smelled like lavender. 

And so I for the next hour or so I laid in bed, staring up at the wooden ceiling. There were absolutely no sounds to focus onto, not even a cricket. The bright of the moon still reached all the way to our base, and lit a corner of my room next to the window. I stayed still. 

After a while, I heard the sound of light footsteps in the hallway, gradually increasing in volume as it got nearer.

"You left this," Scout appeared at my doorway and waved at me a pack of gum. 

I tilted my head forward. "Oh, it's you." I squinted. I still couldn't see him quite clearly, as my eyes were adjusted to the light of the moon for so long. 

"Yeah, it's me. Here's your gum." He threw it towards my lap and it skated on the blanket into my face. I jerked my head away. "Oh, would ya look at that," he put his hands on his hips as I rubbed my nose. "It looks like we're even. Later."

"Wait...!" I heavily whispered. His head appeared again from the side. "Don't you want some? You've got to... It's watermelon flavored."

"Nah, I don't do watermelon." He came into view and leaned on the door frame. "Strawberry's my type." 

Who's a Spy? (Team Fortress 2 - Scout) - HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now