1,000 & 2,000 READS SPECIAL

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Okay, first of all, thank you so much for 1,000 reads! I know it's really not that much of a huge number, but it did take a while! :p So remember, specials have NO connection to the story at all, unless if I say so. These filler chapters will always take place between somewhere in the first chapter and the current chapter. Nothing in the future. Enjoy!


"Okay. So why do we have all this dough?" I asked.


The whole team was all gathered at the kitchen. We had just finished training day yesterday, and now today was our free day. Apparently, it was also Pyro's baking day. 

I turned to Dell. "This much dough for how many cookies??" As I glanced all around me in this room, there was a LOT of dough. A lot of dough, bags of dough, racks of dough, and even barrels of dough. All of this dough to fill in every crack and space in the area, and one tiny oven.

Pyro cheered. "Hm-hmhm!" 

One-thousand cookies. There's nine people on this team. 

"Fo' what?" Scout fumbled with his chef's hat. "All of us gonna eat those?"

Heavy gave a smothered gasp. 

"Hm-hmhmng hm hmhmhm hm!" Pyro gleefully clasped his hands together.

"Deliver?" I repeated. "Exactly how...? To who?" 

"Hm-hm-hm." A silence fell upon the room.

"That is impossible! And idiotic," Spy indignantlly glared at the dirty chef's hat in his hands. We were to deliver them to everyone, and by everyone, Pyro didn't specify. Just everyone. Whether or not that included the team, no one knew. It was too much of a vague response, but Pyro was a vague person. We really didn't need much stipulation from him anyway, because we'd never get any better an explanation than that. It was all in the intuition and interpretation. My interpretation was that we were going to feed them to the rats. Ever since Scout had Pyro exterminate those things, he's been doing the exact opposite. "Besides," Spy continued, "nobody is going to want to end up looking like that monster..." 

His pointed finger drew my gaze to Heavy, who was intensely sucking his thumb. The Russian's eyes continued to trail all around the room. Just the pure amount of dough that surrounded this cozy, little, one-ovened kitchen sent him into a squatted sway. If there was an alternative to sandviches, this would be it. 

"Aww... don't be like that," Dell chuckled. "This dough is surely impressive." 

"Yeah... and it's ours!" Scout cheered. 

I tilted my head. "So this is all just for us?" 

"Yeh, lass! Who'd else ye'd think this'll feed?" 

I put on my hat. "No one. Just thought that everyone meant more than just all nine of us? For this amount of dough?" 

"That's what he's bloody sayin', ain't he?" Mundy tossed his hat behind him and it landed on the horn of the mounted balloonicorn that was placed at the top of this room's entrance. He turned to Pyro. "Oi, you basket-case. Mind tellin' us where the hell these cookies are goin'?" 

But the flame-obsessed maniac was already at work. That, or he decided not to listen. Somehow all of the dough was prepared like this beforehand, and all we had to do was cut them into shapes and stick them into this pathetic oven, which was what Pyro was doing. Out of his pockets he pulled out  a bunch of themed cookie cutters, placing each one on the available space so as to get as many cuts as he could without having to re-roll the dough.

"WHAT are we WAITING FOR?!" Soldier's voice rang through the room. "Get to work, TEAM! GO! GO! GO!!!" 

"Might wanna try this one, Nooby." I was chucked a cutter in the shape of a spider. "Looks like you; with two-hundred eyes and all." 

I glowered back at Scout. "There aren't any eyes on this at all." I turned it around and examined it in different angles. 

"No, I mean, just imagine it, Doofus." 

"Sure, yeah, okay." I muttered. I set off to work in one of the corners of the room.


"I say we eat them all in one sitting." Scout licked the tips of his fingers.

"One sitting? That'll take us bloody weeks to do! You fancy not takin' a piss every now an' then?!"

We stared at the marvelous bunch of cookies. Somehow in an entire day, we managed to fit one thousand pieces of dough into a tiny little oven that had only one heat setting. There were different shapes of cookies. There were at least one hundred spider-shaped ones, all made by me. Following that were tree-shaped ones, heart-shaped ones, wrench-shaped, syringe-shaped, star-shaped, dinosaur, leaf, butterfly, snail, and porcupine-shaped. We really went to work on these. 


"Hold on there big fella," Dell said. "Is this what we're gonna do now?" 

"Hmn." Pyro shook his head.

I sat down on a cardboard box. "No? So we're actually giving these to people?" Pyro nodded. "How?" 

Right after that, he ran out the door and returned shortly after with a very large sack. Where he got that, I don't even know. He left again.

"I zinc zhe dummkopf vants cookies in bag, ya?" So without hesitation, except for Heavy and Scout who we tied onto a nearby tree, we all dumped the cookies into the bag rack after rack. 

Dell dusted his hands together. "Whew! That oughta get it don‒" 

Before we knew it, the bag of cookies were gone and we were left with a hole in the entrance and roof of this kitchen. 

"What the..." 

Just through the roof's hole could we see a strange object in the sky. It was being propelled by a rocket, and as its driver steered it around to face our general direction, I identified it as a red boat. The rocket was attached underneath. The driver, unsurprisingly, was Pyro himself. He had the cookies resting on the end of the boat, and sooner vanished into the sky at alarming speeds...


To be honest I had NO idea where this story was going. LOL! I started it once I reached 1k, and well, I just recently hit 2k so I figured that I'd just celebrate the both of them through this chapter! If anyone's been seeing that I've been updating recently, that's probably just because I've updated a draft. So just a heads up, in case if it looks like I'm a really good updater :p. Starting on next chapter now!

Who's a Spy? (Team Fortress 2 - Scout) - HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now