That Night

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"What the heck is this?!" I screamed. "Where the hell is my bed!?" At this time the moon had caught up to the sky ‒ a full moon, actually, and everything was as bright as silver. Everyone was still awake. I stomped downstairs. 

"Aye, it ranaway!" Slurred the demo man as I reached the ground. He swung his feet to rest on the wooden table in front of him, and his weight edged the back legs of his chair to their tips. It wasn't hard for him to fall asleep on the spot right after that. His tongue stuck out even, and the bottle beside him was knocked to its side, empty. I tiptoed ahead to the end of the room.

"Mumbo jumbo," Medic turned his head from the lit fireplace. "I do not think it ran away." 

Suddenly, the door of the kitchen swung open.

"Fellas," Dell said. "Would y'all like to join us?" He disappeared back without another word, and the door shut behind him. Medic and I followed. 

Upon opening the door, the rest of the team was already in their seats around the circled table. We had already eaten dinner an hour ago. 

"Now that most of us are all here," Dell directly turned towards Pyro. "We'd like to know what happened." His low, soft voice almost confused me. A quick glance at him showed me his features dark and low. 

"Hm ha hmngn hm hms." Pyro nervously swirled his gloved finger on the table. Slowly, I took a chair and scooted closer to the table. Its center was lit with a small red candle, and I would've imagined we were telling scary stories this entire night.

"You were killing the rats... and?" He folded his arms. 

"Hm hm hng hm hmhm!!" He wildly waved his hands before bringing his shoulders to a high shrug.

"Yeah. That's what normally happens when ya torch somethin', pal," Scout also folded his arms and set his drink down. "And because a'you, we almost lost her." He bent down on his chair and rested his arms on his knees. 

"Look here. We all saw the whole bloody place on fire. Dry ground ain't gonna just turn into a hellhole, mates," Mundy sat forward, grave. "You're all a bunch of no-hopers. Did any of you take a whiff of the ground?"

"Clearly we had better things to do than to smell the disgusting ground." Spy squinted his eyes at Mundy.

"Before the bomb, ya fancy bloody wus." He angrily pointed a finger.

I raised my gaze. Heavy...

I kept my stare onto the hearty Russian right across the table from me. I don't think he'd been paying attention to any of this at all. His eyes were still ridiculously wide and unblinking even as I entered, and he was still a ridiculous sight sucking his thumb. 

His actions gave me no answers. But I kept staring...

'Heavy smell soiled baby diaper. Is you?'

"That's it!!" I jumped up and my chair fell down. "But who did it?" 

"Did I miss somethin'?" Dell turned his head sideways. 

"Someone brought a load of flammable stuff and dumped it all over the place. I'm pretty sure that's the only way." I scratched my head.

"Ain't we gonna do somethin' about it?" Scout crushed his empty can. He blindly threw it behind him and it perfectly landed in the trash. 

"Can't. Nothing else we'd oughta do except win all the games," Mundy stood up. "Day's over. We'd best be sleepin'." He took his hat off and exited from the kitchen. 

"Hold on," I also stood up. "Before you guys sleep, I need a bed."

The rest of them blankly looked up at me.

"A bed?" Dell repeated. "Ain't you got one?" 

"I did! But then I checked up there a few minutes ago and there's an empty spot where it should be!"

"Hmnhm hm hm," Pyro suggested. 

"What do ya mean the 'Ministrator stole it? She doesn't even leave the control room?" Scout drowsily balanced his ball on the tip of his finger.

"Perhaps she gaut ze minions to do it," Medic stood up and headed for the door. "Gute Nacht." Sooner the rest of them stood up to leave, even Heavy.

"Wait a minute," I protested. "You can't just leave me without a bed." I shuffled behind them. 

"Have the couch right here," Dell pushed the door. "Right where‒"

We were met with the loudest snore that could tear the skies. Right on the couch lay the drunken demo man, with half of his body actually resting on it. The other half was pretty dangling. Must've moved himself from that uncomfy chair. His bottle was broken. Scout groaned. 

"Let's just all get some shut eye for the love of grace." He turned to me and scratched his head. "Take mine. I've got hay from the shed with me."

As we reached his room, it was really no different from mine at all, save the bed. As I stood in the doorway, Scout languidly elbowed me aside and entered. He easily slid his shoes and socks off, tossed his hat to the nightstand, and dragged himself to the window. He clicked open its locks just how I had done a few nights ago, pushed it open and climbed outside. There were three stacks of tied hay waiting for him, and the light of the moon brightened the small corner beside the window. Otherwise, everything else was dark.

"Do you ever sleep on your bed?" I entered.

"What? Yeah..." He plopped right down onto his makeshift. As I began to unarm myself, I remembered my weapons were still right back in my room. I placed my shoes beside the leg of the bed and heard the window slide, along with a cool night air that whistled from the small gap. I climbed in and reached for the blanket. 

"Scout?" I whispered. "Where's your blank‒"

His heavy snore was almost timed with my question. I spied past the window, and sure enough, the blanket I was looking for was wrapped around him. That was fair, I guess. I made myself comfy and laid down.

"Scout...!" I loudly whispered. I watched him stir and shift to the side. 

"Y-yeah...?" He rubbed his eyes, though he was sleeping away from me and I could really only see his head. 

"Thanks." I lightly smiled.

"Yeah yeah, shut up and sleep." He waved me off. 

My smile faded to the largest frown in the universe. I stayed there completely still, darkly peering over at his dumb self. His annoying snores continued. I heard muffled clanks of metals and machines off in the distance; probably Dell or the soldier.

As this day brought itself to a close, I rested still on my back and stared at the ceiling. I thought about all the stars, the light of the moon above us, and like a morning beach wave these fabled stories in my head about the solar system and its vastitude completely washed over me. I questioned my existence for a while like any normal person does. And I took to Scout, his breathing very slow and calm, rising and falling in the slowest rhythmical pattern. I might have all at once figured he was the calmest person on the team, almost admirable.

And I thought to myself, "What an asshole."


Thought you've seen the last of me huh? It's summer for me now! :) And while I'm still busy this whole summer, I thought it'd be fun that I at least uploaded today before the graduation ceremony. 

Lol to be honest I absolutely loved the last part. I love reading things that sound so graceful and happy and calm, but end up being quite mean and nasty. It's my absolute favorite in stories and fan fiction ^^

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