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"Obviously, she ain't gonna wanna talk ta neither of us."

"Then I'd reckon we make her."

"Ay.. slow down, buddy. 'Ministrator's gotta plan for us with her." 

"How'd you know?" 

There was a bag covering my head. A potato sack most likely... it still smelled like dirt, and blinking only led to little particles that bothered my eyes. Although, its fabrication allowed me to see through just the little holes that the threads created. I saw someone walk up to a wooden desk lighted with a small lamp. 

"Was thumb tacked here," the same voice said. "Typed out. Patient team, it says. Due to a slight invalid transgression of rules, you all have been rewarded with an additional player to your assigned missions. Utilize as need be. Administrator. Obviously she's sayin' we gotta new cook!"

I kind of knew that voice... Scout? 

"Son, there's a whole lot more women can do than just cook." 

"Like w-"

"Sorry to 'pop-in' unannounced," another voice added. This voice... was also familiar. Spy? I heard his footsteps edge closer. "All in a day's work," he said above me. "Shall we?" Then the potato sack was loosely lifted from my head. "Excellent," a BLU spy stood in front of me and rubbed his hands together. He bent down and inched his face near mine. "And... what is your name, ma petite fille?" 

...There was kind of a little bit of tape on my mouth. I flared my nostrils at him and lowered my eyelids. 

"Ah pardon me," and he quickly yanked the thing off my face. As instinct my hands tried to fly to my mouth, but were held down by an infinite loop of rope.

"Ava," I whispered. 

"Mhm, Ava..." The scout beside me rested his hands on his chin and pondered. "Eva had a moonlit dinner with a slugger like me?"

I scoffed. "Ever had a date at all?" 

"Stop talking, both of you idiots." The spy hissed. "I think we have a fine place for you in the team-"

"Fry cook!"

"Supply carrier!"

"Fry cook!"

"You jackrabbit!"

"Psh, overalls!" 

"May I make a suggestion? Close your ugly mouths!" The spy snapped. And turning to me, he pulled out his knife, cut the rope that binded me and made the most sinister smile. "Bait."

"Absolutely not," I thought aloud.

"Absolutely so!" Spy honked. "Get up, laborer." 

"She joinin' the payload tonight?" The scout asked. 

"But of course," Spy rubbed his hands together. Tonight? There was a mission tonight? My first mission is going to be spent playing for the opposite team? Wonderful.

"She stayin' afta' dinner?" He clicked his tongue at me. 

"Keep yer fantasies away from me, boy." The engineer angrily shut his eyes.

In all this fuss I fidgeted with my hands. No watch? I couldn't feel a dagger in my back pocket either. Oh man. I must've never gotten my stuff when I woke up!

Suddenly a blue signal whirled and its sound echoed through the room and continued throughout the entire base. The stringent voice of the Administrator rang through my ears. "Get ready to fight!" The alarm continued. I figured I shouldn't be dragged to wherever this mission was, so I stood up and tried to be as yielding and forfeiting to this team as possible. It was me against them if I were to fight, after all. As I got up from my seat, everyone stood still for some reason. "What's the mat-"

Who's a Spy? (Team Fortress 2 - Scout) - HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now