Race of the Morning

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I woke up early. Well, at least earlier than I usually do. 

The earth felt still, and the light of the young sunrise filled the room. I turned my head to stare outside the window. From this second floor, the earth was still visibly dewy, despite not having very many plants and, well, any life at all. Scout wasn't on his hay, and for some silly reason there were actual birds chirping outside. 

Wait. Scout wasn't on his hay.

So I didn't wake up before the rest of the world, huh? I surveyed the room. 

Nothing was really even moved at all from last night... the window was still slightly opened as before. Scout must've exited by jumping on the ground. 

I stood, picked up the pillow that had fallen to the bedside and tossed it over. Carefully I slid my shoes on and leaned towards the window. 


I instantly shut the window. Everyone was there a few feet away on the grounds, all of them doing push-ups by instructions from the soldier. Why hadn't anybody at least woken me up? 

I jogged out of Scout's room, past the bridge to Dell's workplace, down the stairs, past the first living room and out its entrance. On the way outside I didn't really smell any breakfast... 

I finally caught up with everyone else. We were grouped at the most centered part of the base, and I huffed as I came to a stop. Everyone except the soldier were doing push ups. I dropped to my knees to try and join them

"WHAT are you doing, Miss????" Soldier crossed his arms and poked his eyes out from under his helmet.

"I was joining them‒"

"You are LATE!!" He sharply pointed his finger to the ground once again as I dusted the dirt off my knees. "I don't want push ups from you, oh no... I want ONE HUNDRED LAPS AROUND THE ENTIRE PREMISES!! Oh, not just YOU!" He then heatedly turned his body to face the rest, "I want the REST OF YOU! I WANT ALL OF YOU PARTICIPATING! THIS IS A TEAM  EFFORT! ONE HUNDRED LAPS! WHAT ARE YOU SISSIES WAITING FOR?!" The second he pulled out his riding crop, I made the run for it. I spied a trail along the fence to the side and went towards the right.

"Look what you cost us, bed bug." Scout caught up beside me.

"Breakfast," I said. "Did any of you at all have breakfast?"

"Ahh NO!" Demo man cried beside me. "Ye didn't 'ave ta mention it lass! Now my stomach's facin a growl!" 

"This is a disaster!" gasped Spy. I caught a quick flash of him before he cloaked and disappeared.

"Ain't stoppin' me," Scout grinned at the sky. "Say... you a runner?" We turned at the curve of the trail. We were far enough away from the soldier that Dell faltered behind and set up a machine. 

"Teleporter!" He brought his hands together and yelled as I smiled and turned my head back around.

"Obviously not," I panted. I don't know about everyone else, but I was already cramping. 

"Heavy... must... can't...." Heavy behind me, exhausted and fatigued, agonizingly reached his arm forward as if to latch onto something. He was slowly lagging behind, and sooner leaned to his knees. 

"Whadd'ya mean?" Scout's breath easily flowed from his mouth. Mine was about to break, honestly. I deeply swallowed and tried to relax. 

"I'm probably going to stop after about two more," I said and looked at the ground at my feet. A few years back I remember someone told me that if I just looked at my feet, that would make me run faster. Right now it didn't work so much, it only helped a little, but I'm pretty sure everything would've been better if I had just eaten breakfast. But maybe breakfast wasn't so good these days, either. 

Who's a Spy? (Team Fortress 2 - Scout) - HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now