5. let's find your secret now

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*Harry's ankle healed and they went back to not talking for a whole month. It's the 24th of December and Louis is watching something on the TV. Harry just came home from work and goes to him*

Harry: Happy Birthday Louis!

Louis smiles: thank you

Harry: no party no nothing?

*Louis shakes his head*

Louis: I wasn't in the mood.

Harry: you okay?

Louis nods: yeah I'm okay

Harry: I'm gonna go change. Did you eat?

*Louis shakes his head*

Harry: We're gonna order something. And a cake! Birthdays are supposed to be happy. Not staring at a screen you boring human

*Louis laughs*

Louis: what do you wanna eat?

Harry: ummm... whatever you want. You're the celebrated one

Louis smiles: okay.

Harry: I'm coming back.

*Harry runs upstairs and changes his clothes. He comes back*

Harry: why are you alone on your birthday?

Louis: Christmas is tomorrow Harry... Everyone is at home.

Harry pouts: and they left you alone?

Louis: yeah.

Harry: that sucks. I have a gift for you.

*Louis is shocked*

Louis: you do?

Harry: of course.

*Harry hands him a box*

Harry: open it.

*Louis blushes and opens the box*

Harry: wrapped it myself.

Louis giggles: very talented

Harry: thank you.

*Louis finds a hoodie and another box*

Louis: IT'S RED.

Harry giggles: I know.

Louis: red is my favourite colour

*Harry smiles*

*Louis opens the other box and finds a ring*

Louis: Harry! This is so beautiful. You didn't have to! Thank you so much

*Louis hugs him*

Harry: I'm glad you like it.

Louis: I love it so much.

*Louis puts the ring in his finger his eyes starting watering*

Louis: I umm I'm gonna go take the hoodie. Coming back.

*Louis runs in the bathroom and takes the hoodie. He pouts getting emotional and leaves the bathroom*


*Harry smiles*

Louis: thank you Harry.

Harry: happy birthday

Louis: thank you. Oh God I'm so emotional

*Harry giggles*

Harry: will a hug help?

*Louis shrugs and Harry hugs him tight*

Louis: it helped

*Harry smiles and pulls back*

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