The Mortal Cup (part 2)

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At Jocelyn's Loft

When Clary got home, the first thing she saw was her 'sister' sitting in the living room play with what looked like a dagger and exclaimed loudly "Seriously, you just had to find another way to be a weirdo", "I'm sorry I can't seem to find where I asked for your opinion which is very irrelevant with your lack of brain cells" I insulted. "Oh my baby you did it, congratulations" said Jocelyn, I stopped calling her mom the second she stopped acting like a mother is supposed to, she claims it's disrespectful but I really don't care. "You follow Simons twitter account" said Clarissa. "He only has 72 followers, he needs his re-tweets" defended Jocelyn. "Yeah okay, I'm going to get ready for Champagne Enema's performance tonight" said Clarissa. "Who" Jocelyn asked. "Simon and Maureen's band" answered Clarissa. "Okay" said Jocelyn, but before you do that I have a gift for you" Jocelyn said while handing her a stele. "What is it, i-is it like a paperweight" Clarissa stuttered out. "No, it's much more than that, it's a traditional Fray heirloom, something that I saved just for you" Jocelyn said, "So that means that Azrael doesn't get one, right?" Clarissa asked making sure to say my name with as much disgust as she could possibly manage. "Of course she didn't get one, she's most definitely not worthy" encouraged Jocelyn. What a great and loving mother she is. I know you get the sarcasm. Simon later came by and got me a gift seeing as he is the only one who remembered my birthday, Clarissa came and dragged him away so they could go enjoy her birthday and they both left to go do whatever they do. I got dressed to go to the PANDEMONIUM to meet up with Captain Glitters aka my BWFF.

 I got dressed to go to the PANDEMONIUM to meet up with Captain Glitters aka my BWFF

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Later at the PANDEMONIUM

"Hey Cap'n" I greeted as I stepped onto the platform with him. "Hello Queenie" he greeted with his usual enthusiasm, "I still don't understand why you don't move in with me instead of staying with that witch, you deserves so much better and I can't understand how she had such an amazing daughter and treat her like crap" ranted Magnus. " I told you multiple times Magnus that it doesn't matter she'll just continue to bother about protecting her precious Clary, and that's another reason why I came here today, I wanted to let you know that I accept your offer and I can move in as soon as you can take me" I informed Magnus. "I have already decorated your room with all your favorite stuff I was just waiting on you" Mags said excitedly. "Oh you cheeky bastard" I playfully insulted. What I didn't know was that Clarissa was doing what she does best, getting herself involved in a matter that doesn't concern her in the slightest. What I also didn't know was that I will soon be meeting the love of my life and be the clingiest and; not to be conceited, but the cutest couple ever to exist..... Okay maybe that's a bit much but you get the idea.

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