Fading Scars

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This is my first story, so It would be very helpful if you guys could tell me how you like or dislike the story and if it sucks please tell me so I dont humiliate myself. 


Fading Scars


Some memories just never fade, whether their good or bad. Well my bad memories outlive the good ones by a long shot. To be honest the bad memories seem to keep coming no matter how hard I try to prevent them.

            My parents died when I was seven and my twin sisters were three, I don’t remember my parents much, but maybe that’s a good thing because I’ve lived through enough tragedy already I don’t know if I could stand knowing what killed them, my foster mom Annabelle claims it was my fault, but I’m too scared of what I might uncover, to ask more. One of my sisters died two years later, and it was definitely  my fault. Annabelle has an anger issue and she’s extremely abusive, I’d tried to run away (with my sisters of course) and she’d caught us she said only one of us would have to pay. I saw the heated look in her eyes and knew it would be brutal, she choose one of my sisters, I don’t know why, she’d known it was my idea to run. She sent my other sister Joan and I to our room, but even with the door shut I could hear every scream, every wail, every cry, until it stopped. Annabelle walked into our room and said to go downstairs to tell my sister goodbye I hadn’t known what she was talking about, I told Joan to stay in the room. I walked into the basement and saw blood on the floor, I hesitated, but then slowly kept walking, she was lying on the floor blood covered and bruised. I began to cry, I just laid there apologizing until she died. I will never forget that day, the day I lost a sister, but I had to push on for Joan's sake.

PRESENT DAY (Seven years later)

“Joan get up, you’re gonna be late for school,” I yelled.

“Just tell the wicked witch I’m sick, Bridgette,” she yelled back.

            “What?” the voice came from behind me.

“Oh! Annabelle, um… she was watching the wizard oz last night sorry I’ll make sure to keep her quiet.”

“Are you sick little one?” she sincerely asked Joan. Joan shied away. “Well too bad, get up, you have chores to do before you go to school anyway.”  Annabelle walked out and slammed the door, so hard the frame vibrated. Joan ran over to me, I pulled her into a tight hug.

            “Bridgette, I’m so scared,” she just kept sobbing, but finally stopped.

“Let’s get you ready for school okay? And don’t worry about your ‘chores’ I’ll do them for you.”

“No, bridge your gonna tire yourself out, she already has you doing double the work.”

“It’s fine, go wash you face and brush your teeth, then come downstairs once you’ve finished.”

As I descended the stairs I saw Annabelle and immediately tensed.

“Good Morning,” I said, being sure to keep my head down I didn’t want to look at her. She grabbed me by the chin, as if reading my thoughts; this gesture forced me to look at her.

“Always look people in the eye… especially me, understand?”

I said nothing, she gripped me harder, “are we clear?”

“Yes.” I said pulling away. She left for work a few minutes later, and I was relieved. I made eggs for breakfast, seeing that was the only thing in the refrigerator.

“Is she finally gone?” Joan asked me as she came in the kitchen

“Yes, but we have to go soon, it takes fifteen minutes to walk to the school.” I told her.


We made it to school with 10 minutes to spare. I walked Joan to her class, kissed her goodbye, and headed for my locker. Waiting for me was my best friend, Claire.

“OMG! OMG! OMG! Guess what she screamed enthusiastically.”

“Well for starters I might need a hearing aid, because you’re probably overexcited about something unimportant, like last times exciting news: a bug funeral, could see if it was a rabbit or a puppy, but no a bug.”

“No, this time it’s important.” She negotiated.

“Fine I’m all ears, spill”

“We have new students,” she declared

“Oooo-kayyy.” I tried to figure out why that was so important.

“Wait it gets better, they’re boys, the smart, sensitive, sexy kind, a triple threat, and they have the three S’s .”

            “You know Claire maybe there’s a forth ‘S’, can you guess what it is?”

“Nope, sorry can’t think of any more, tell me.” She squealed

“Stuck up. And a fifth? Stupid.” I knew she hated my right now for ruining her vibe, but she’d get over it.

The bell rung, and Claire glared at me all the way to our first period class, until we parted ways, having to go into two separate science buildings, I was thankful, because if you’ve ever heard that saying, if looks could kill, and had seen how she glared at me, you’d know that I would most defiantly be dead right now. I walked into Ms. Bocage’s class and took my seat in the back of the classroom. As soon as the tardy bell rang she began to lecture us on density and how it related to the Periodic Table, it seemed to go on and on until I heard the three best words of my life (at the moment) “You’re dismissed early.” Everyone made a mad dash for the door, But before me or anyone could get to the door she stood in front of it blocking our only exit. “If I hear of any of you disturbing classes or being disruptive there will be consequences.” As soon as she moved from the door I was out ready to do exactly what she had said not to, when someone ran into me or rather I ran in to them because whoever it was they were mad, though it was my stuff sprawled across the floor not theirs, I cursed under my breath. I looked up to see a boy about 6’4 starring at me.

“Um… do you plan on helping me, or are you just going to stand there,” I laughed but it held no mirth.

“Sorry I…” I stopped mid-sentence because the same words came from his mouth. I tried again, but the same thing happened. I laughed “I’m Bridgette, welcome to Balmoral High School,” I reached my hand out and he shook it and said “Nice meeting you, I’m Jayden”  

He helped  pick up the rest of my stuff. “Thanks see you around,” I was about to walk away, but he grabbed my arm making me flinch I still had a fresh bruise there. He spoke,

“I was hoping you could show me around I’m a little lost.”

“Um…. Sure, let me see your schedule,” I was surprised at what I saw he had the next six periods with me he was even in my 1° science class…

“Hey how come you weren’t in science this morning?”

“Oh um…. Like I told you before I’m uh… a little bit lost”

I couldn’t hold my laugh in, I burst out laughing, and he just looked at me then in an extremely serious tone he asked me “why are you laughing?”

“Because you said you were a little bit lost you couldn’t find one classroom in 45 minutes and you still haven’t found it! You know you’re lucky you have the rest of your classes with me… well except eighth period your gonna have to find that one on your own.”

He just looked at me until he finally started to laugh a little; together we walked to class occasionally laughing on the way.

Fading Scars [incomplete/no current plans of completion]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora