Chapter 7: Fading Scars

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Sorry about not uploading i have been busy with school and soccer and catching up on sleep to be honest !

Chapter 7

I couldn’t stop the tears from falling, no matter how I tried, the fell. I was so caught up thinking about Joan that I hadn’t noticed I had reached the house, I shivered. I walked in to an eerie, cold, unwelcoming silence. I felt around for the light switch, but even before I could find it the house was illuminated with light. I looked towards the switch to see Annabelle, pacing, her face firm, giving nothing away. And to my surprise John was sitting at the kitchen table. I turned towards the stairs, not wanting to be in the tense atmosphere any longer

“Stop,” Annabelle yelled.

I stopped, but didn’t turn around.

“Can you come here for a second?”

I spun around on my heels and kissed my teeth, dreading hearing her voice.

“Where’s Joan?” she asks, what the glint of fire burning in her eyes.

“Gone,” I said icily.  She grabbed me by the front of my shirt.

“Now listen here you a little brat I don’t like your tone, and if you don’t-”

John cut in, and glared at me, finishing Annabelle’s Sentence.

“If you told tell me where are your sister is in the next ten minute I will not hesitate to lead my fist in your stomach.                                                                                                                                        I thought it over, John was way worse than Annabelle, but there was no way I would risk Joan’s safety I would just have to take the pain.

“I-I…She…Well,” I tried to speak, but my words seemed to be stumbling over each other in nervousness. The doorbell rang. Everything seemed to be frozen, unmoving, and tense. I could feel the fear and the anticipation running through their vein and off their bodies. John shoved me towards the door, the sudden movement caused me to trip, and hit my cheek on the shelves by the door, leaving a deep, stinging incision. I open the door, and was taken aback by what it revealed.

“Jayden,” I breathed. I stood in shock for a few moments, before stepping out and closing the door behind me.

“You need to go, what are you doing here anyway?”

“Why do I have to leave again?” He said ignoring my second question.

“Please,” I begged, “just leave.” I turned back to the house not wanting to repeat myself if he wasn’t going to listen anyway, but before my fingers could reach the door handle he grabbed me spinning me to face. I flinched slightly it was involuntary, but he noticed and loosened his grip. He lifted his hand stroking my injured check tenderly; even so I still cringed at the pain it brought me. He gently tugged at the bottom of my chin so I was looking directly at him.

“What happened?” he asked though it was barely audible. I shook my head and looked down.

“I-I..I can't tell you,”

He was silent, I looked up to find him staring at me, and once I caught his eyes I was unable to look away, I was seeing past his eyes, past his heart, and into his soul. His head slowly started to inch closer to my face, immediately thoughts began running through my mind:                                ‘do I really want to do this? Am I falling for him? Can I let him in to? Does he want this or is it his hormones speaking?

Fading Scars [incomplete/no current plans of completion]Where stories live. Discover now