Chapter 2: Fading Scars

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Chapter 2

It was finally lunch, I ditched Jayden to go to my locker and switch my books. I entered the lunch room and immediately began searching for Claire, who always seemed to get here before me and insisted on sitting at new table everyday for, and I quote ‘good luck, so Karma couldn’t catch up to us’. I spotted her and started to make my way towards her when someone bumped into me, once again my stuff was sprawled across the floor, I looked up to see Jayden looking the opposite direction not paying any attention to where he was going. I stood up, picking up my things in the process.

“I'm so sorr-” he began, but I cut him off.

“Is this going to become a daily thing of yours, because that’s TWICE! In one day!” I was half yelling at him. At first he just stared at me, then he just burst out laughing.

“I'm-I-I'm-ss-ssorry” he got out between laughs, by now he was clutching his stomach. Annoyed I stalked towards Claire.

“Heyy!” Claire yelled at me.

“Don’t. Talk.” That was all I said I'm pretty sure she got the idea that I needed to cool off.

“Jeez,” she complained, “you're such a buzz kill.”

At that I had to laugh because it was totally true. “Okay, sorry, you can talk I was just a little annoyed.”

“Oh my Gosh, you know who that was right?” she practically screamed

“Who are you talking about?” I questioned

“The guy who just bumped into you and thought it was funny, and I have to admit it was.” I glared at her, but she didn’t seem to notice she just continued to talk.

“That’s the new guy Jay-”

“Jayden I know” I interrupted, not letting her finish.


“He bumped into me earlier.” I said looking at Jayden, who’d been too busy laughing he hadn’t realized I’d left and was now searching for me. I looked away so he couldn’t make eye contact, and turned just in time to hear Claire ask me,

“What do you think?”

“What?” I asked, dazed.

“You didn’t hear a thing I said did you? That is soo impolite---Oh my Gosh,” she said in hushed tone as if something had dawned upon her, “you were starring at Jayden.” I was about to deny it, but as shed read my mind she said

“Don’t even try making up some lame excuse on how you weren’t because I know you were… you are SO crushing on him.”

“Will you please stop I am not ‘crushing’ him, did you not hear me when I said he’s bumped into me twice today.” I got up I was tired of discussing this particular subject.

“Goodbye,” I said while walking away.

“Bri…” she groaned “we aren’t done talking, young lady”, and as if on cue the bell rang.

Fading Scars [incomplete/no current plans of completion]Where stories live. Discover now