Chapter 4: Fading Scars

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I was nearly finished with the kitchen, when Annabelle walked in. I looked to her, while she glared back at me; I quickly looked down, not wanting to make eye contact. I slowly walked backwards until I hit the sink, I was terrified. She stalked towards me and began stroking my cheek softly, abruptly she raised her hand as if she were going to slap me I flinched away lifting my hands to soften the blow, but the slap never came, just a dark, cold laughter, she was amused that I was scared. She walked out of the room, still laughing menacingly. Relieved she was gone I quickly finished the few dishes I had left and headed upstairs. I went into the bathroom to check the damage. My stomach was darker than my already dark skin. I sighed grateful it wasn’t that bad. I thought of how bad Joan's childhood has been and how as an older sister, I should have been able to protect her, how I should have been able to protect our sister, Elizabeth. I hadn’t realized I was crying until I felt warm salty tears roll down my face. I wiped them quickly not wanting Joan to see, but I was too late. She rushed over to me.

“Oh my gosh, Bridgette are you okay? Are you hurt?” she asked beginning to panic.

“No, I’m fine,” I sobbed, “I’m so sorry you had to grow up in this horrible place we call home.”

“It’s all my fault,” I whispered.

“No bridge, why would it be your fault?”

“According to Annabelle it’s my fault mom and dad aren't here, and I don’t think she's lying and even if she is Elizabeth is still gone…because of me!”   

“Please don’t put this on yourself,” she begged.

“Joan Annabelle knew it was my idea… I should be the one dead not her.”

“Oh God bridge please… don’t talk like that, we all decided to run and we all knew the consequences if we got caught. We had all accepted that, so don’t blame yourself for this, please.

I sniffed she’d always known I'd never let go of losing our sister Elizabeth

“Thank you,” I said.

“For what?”

“For listening and just being there for me.”

“Well, that’s a sisters job right?” Joan questioned.

“Right,” I chuckled, “Let’s go to bed it’s late”

“Okay love you bridge.”

“Love you too, night”

Sorry this is so short but I have to study and I have three essays to write I will try and update soon.

Fading Scars [incomplete/no current plans of completion]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt