Chapter 5: Fading Scars

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Chapter 5

My alarm went off at 5 o’clock in the morning and though I didn’t want to get up, since I had gotten so little sleep last night, but not wanting to wake Joan I quickly turned off the alarm. I walked to the bathroom, I didn’t turn the light on right away I was scared of what I might see, but eventually I had to. Last night there were no bruises on my face but now, the whole right side of my face was two shades darker than my original skin color. I quickly applied cover up and went downstairs. I checked the refrigerator, we had a double sided magnet on one side it said ‘the boss is in’ and the other side said ‘the boss is out,’ whichever side it was on determined my daily routine. If it said the boss is in, it meant Annabelle was home and I needed to prepare her breakfast. If it said ‘the boss is out’ it meant she’d already left for work. Luckily she wasn’t here today. I hurried upstairs put on my clothes, which consisted of a mid sleeve top -that had a picture of Charlie Brown and snoopy on the front and the words: It’s good to have a friend on the back-, and some black skinny jeans. I woke Joan and told her to get ready, once she finished we went downstairs grabbed a piece of toast and headed out.

I dropped Joan off at the middle school and headed towards Balmoral high. I was greeted by Claire yelling me about Jayden.

“Fine, jeez, I'm not saying I like him, but I think he’s….”

“He’s what, come on spit it out!” Claire urged.

“Ithinkhe’scute, there I said it, happy?”

“No, because it’s a lie,” she taunted.

“Fine think whatever you want, I've got to go I still have to go to my locker so I'll see you later,” I walked away not giving her time to respond.

I got to my locker and quickly put the combo in. Once I got everything I needed I closed the door, I was startled to see Jayden standing there with a sexy smirk on his face. I groaned.

“What do you want?” I asked harshly.

“Well somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, I just came over here to do a kind gesture.”

“hmph, and what exactly is that?”

“Well milady, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch?”

I giggled, I couldn’t help it, he was being so formal, I thought it was a cute. I couldn’t resist, “I'd love to sir, I said curtsying and giggling. He took my hand and kissed it.

“Until then milady, Until then.”

I closed my eyes to savor the moment, but when I opened my eyes he was gone, nowhere in sight. In his place was a yellow rose with blood red tips, that seemed to be blooming before my eyes, I carefully picked it up, it looked so fragile. I didn’t know what it meant everyone knew that every rose color had a different mean but-

The Tardy bell rang waking me from my trance I put the rose in my locker and sped to the restroom so I could reapply my make up, but I never  made it a teacher caught me and sent me to class. I knew my bruises were beginning to show and it was nerve racking.

I walked into my history class,

“I'm glad you could join us Ms. Lauryn, I'll see you after class.” Mr. Caldwell said, annoyed.

“Sorry Mr. Caldwell,” I replied. Jayden waved at me, I smiled and took the empty seat beside him.

“Before we were so rudely interrupted I was saying….” Mr. Caldwell continued his lecture until the bell rung.

“I'll meet you outside, Jayden said.

“Okay,” I responded.

The rest of the students filed out of the classroom as the last student left the door slammed shut it was just me and Mr. Caldwell, who stood at the front of his desk.

“Come,” he ordered. I rose from my chair and walked over. Mr. Caldwell was holding a glass Snapple bottle in his hand twirling it in his fingers, while he paced back, and forth. Suddenly he dropped it, shards of glass flew everywhere.

“Oops,” he said sarcastically. “Pick it up,” he commanded.

“No!” I exclaimed, “pick it up yourself.”

He slapped me across my face so hard it threw me to the floor. A large shard of glass stabbed me in my thigh. Tears fell freely down my cheeks.

“So,” he said cheerfully “guess whose getting engaged this afternoon?” I said nothing “Your mother and I, and she’ll surely say yes.”

“My mother’s dead.”I said in a cold monotone.

“Fine, Annabelle, your ‘foster’ mother.”

“No, I whispered in a melancholy voice.

“Yes, I'm going to be your new dad.”

Furious, I got up and began walking towards the door.

“Goodbye John,” I said, but before I got to far I yanked back down, by my hair.

“I do believe that glass is still on the floor,” he said chuckling darkly.

“let me go get the broom.” I asked.

“No, pick it up with your hands.”

I was going to protest, but the look in his eyes scared me, so I just did as I was told. I looked out the door window and saw Jayden trying to get in, we made I contact for a second, his eyes were pained, I looked away unable to see him in pain, in the moment I realized, that I did indeed have a crush on Jayden.

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