Chapter 8: Fading Scars

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So this is only part of chapter 8, but i might not be able to update until the weekend so I thought I'd just post the little bit I had !!


“Are you okay,” he asked.

“Well that’s a stupid question,” I retorted laughing.

Jayden chuckled and stared at me as he lean in there was no avoiding the inevitable.

His warm lips meet mine, as his arms snaked around me falling at the base of my hips, my hand resting over each of his shoulders. His tongue glided across my bottom lip asking for an entrance which was granted, my sixth sense kicked in all of a sudden I could smell the sweet cologne that lingered on his body and the taste; he tasted of peppermint and coffee combined. I pulled away, but couldn’t help the smile that played across my lips I just kissed Jayden Kingston. The scariest part was I didn’t know if it was a good thing or bad thing, I had dragged him into the mess I called my life.   

Chapter 8

I looked at Jayden through my eyelashes involuntarily biting my lip.

“Jayden…” I began, but he quieted me by placing his forefinger gently to my lips.

“Start from the beginning.” He said.

“I'm not sure-”

“Start from the beginning” he stated once more. Taking a deep breath I began telling him about my parents, Joan and Elizabeth. Upon speaking about both of my little sisters tears leaked from my eyes in a way I'd lost both of them, but it was necessary to keep Joan safe. Jayden soothed me rubbing my back with slow circles. Jayden pulled me up leading me to a large wooden staircase. I refrained.

“You’re staying tonight, there’s no arguing.” Jayden said directly to me. I nodded and began walking up the steps with him. We walked into a navy blue painted room with a queen sized bed and a comforter that matched the walls. Jayden sat me on the bed and disappeared. He came back with a large t-shirt and some boxers.

“You can borrow these and I will throw your clothes in the wash, is that alright?”

I nodded.

“Okay, well the shower is that door,” he said pointing to a door the=at was a different, lighter shade of blue. “There are towels inside,”

“Thank you,” I said smiling. He walked out the room. I sat for a minute thinking about the previous events. I smiled walking into the bathroom I turned the shower to hot letting the warmth fall over my body like silk.

I stepped out of the shower drying of and putting on the clothes Jayden had leant me. I got in the bed, though I was unable to sleep. I heard footsteps outside the door leading to the sound of the door opening. I closed my eyes pretending to be sleep, I felt sweet soft lips plant a kiss on my forehead. Just as he was about to walk away, I grabbed his arm. I couldn’t be alone right now.

“Can you stay..I mean…just until I fall asleep?” I asked, hopeful.

He sighed, smiling “Of course.”

He laid on the side opposite of me so my back was spooned into his stomach. He kissed the back of my hair and asked,

“How would you like to go on a date with me? A real one I mean?”

I smiled, even despite the fact that he couldn’t see me.

I rolled turning so I was facing him.


“Thanks, Buttercup, I will pick you up from your house.”

A low chuckle escaped his lips. Unfortunately I was too caught up in the moment, to realize what he’d just said and later I would pay for my mistake.  


I woke up the next morning to the smell of buttermilk and sausage. Rubbing my eyes I stepped out of bed and walked downstairs. My bruised body screamed in protest, but I ignored it.  Before actually walking into the kitchen I looked in to see what Jayden was doing, cooking, who knew. I saw pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit and bagels. I laughed out loud I covered my mouth hoping he hadn’t heard me. I peeked back into the kitchen, but I didn’t see him, just a frying pan on the stove.

“Is there a reason you're spying on me?” I heard an amused voice question behind me.

I spun around quickly, blushing at the thought of him catching me .

“Well…um…I,” I stuttered my words unable to flow freely from my lips. He chuckled his eyes scanning my body fully until he finally reached my eyes. Yet I again I blushed, looking down.

“So, since you were spying on me making breakfast would you care to join me in eating it?”

“I'd love to.” Jayden made me a plate putting a little bit of everything on it. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until now I scarfed down my food clearing my plate, I was so hungry I had a second helping. I felt bad for eating so much of his food.

“Where's your sister?” Jayden asked suddenly.

“She's with a friend, what time is it?” I asked.

“ 3:21 (PM)”

“It’s three o'clock!? I slept that long? Crap, we missed school? Why didn’t you wake me? Crap, I gotta go thanks.”

“Wait,” he said, I turned around, “Where are you going?”

As much as I didn’t want to call Annabelle’s house home, It was.

“I'm going home,”

“No, you can't go back there.” I looked at him, “ I have to, I will see you later okay?” I walked out not letting him give me an answer. I ran, it was Friday Annabelle would be back early and I wouldn’t be there. I got to the house and opened the door slowly. No one was home. Thank goodness I ran into the kitchen, trying to find something to make Annabelle for lunch. I ended up making a tuna salad, something that would last more than a day.


At first I thought I'd imagined the sound, and ignored it, but then it sounded again. Almost as if someone was knocking on a door with their fist.


It was coming from the basement .


I slowly walked downstairs as the thumping became louder, I approached the room and leisurely opened the door.

“Joan!” I screamed in shock.

She was crying, her hands tied to the opposite wall she’d dragged herself all the way to the door to get my attention.

“Thwrr gooing oo ssphend mmmway.” She kept repeating the phrase, though I couldn’t understand her.

“Joan, I need you to take a deep breath.” She did. “Know tell me what's wrong and how did you get here?”

She spoke, clearly this time. “Bridge they're going to send me away, Annabelle found me and dragged me back here, she said she’d send me to Massachusetts. That’s on the other side of the country! What are we going to do?” She cried.

“I will figure something out. I won't let them separate us.”

Just then the door opened to reveal Annabelle, she smiled an evil despicable smile.

Fading Scars [incomplete/no current plans of completion]Where stories live. Discover now