Chapter 13: Fading Scars

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Hey Guys so I am so so sorry about not getting the new chapter out. I just lost my love for writing for a little while,but...I'M BACK!!! So here is chapter 13, but I know its really really short ( and unedited) , but I am going to write more tomorrow.


Chapter 13

I fell asleep with the thought of Jayden loving me. Could it possibly be true? Or was he just saying that to keep me alive? I couldn’t be sure, but I fell asleep with those thoughts on my mind. 


I woke up to an empty bed, no Jayden in sight. I sighed, what would I say to him? What would he say to me? I slowly threw my feet over the edge of the bed, letting them dangle a little, before standing up and walking downstairs, I stopped at the corner and peeked into the kitchen, holding my silk nightgown between my thumb and forefinger, letting its texture calm my nerves.

I saw him. He was cooking, something Jayden always did when he was angry or upset. I walked into the kitchen and sat on the island stool. I looked at my hands thinking of what to say before Jayden became aware of my presence.

“I’m going to get help,” I said, still looking at my hands. I looked up to gauge his reaction, he stood unmoving and silent. 

I looked back to my hands. I knew if he did have the same feelings, that I had torwards him, he would some time, but eventually we’d get over this… wouldn’t we? We had we are perfect for each other.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I heard a voice whisper, 

He’s perfect.

And it took me moment to realize it was true, I relied on him, not the other way around, and while he was indeed, perfect, I wasn’t, I am a broken, beaten sad excuse for a woman.

I looked up at his back, tears in my eyes, he was bound to realize sooner or later that I wasn't perect and that I never would be. I would always have my scars even if they were slightly faded, the would alway be there.

I decided to let Jayden be in peace, we would talk when the tension wasn't so high.

I silently lifted myself from the chair and walked out the door, I stared down at my feet as each one dragged behind the other, leading me on an unknown journey. I looked up after severalmiles of walking to find that I wasn'teven in the same town as I had been, what seemed like a moment before.

I looked behind me, there was a person, they were hunched over and had a hood, which blocked their face from me.

A shiver ran through my spine, I began walking faster, feeling uncomfortable. I took in my surroundings. There was a small market about 50 meters away. I looked back, and though I knew I was being paranoid, I picked up my pace once again.

i was just a few steps to from the store when, I was pinned against the wall.

I gasped as I felt the blood rush to my head when my head made contact with brick. I quickly took in my surroundings. I become conscious of the inky darkness that had taken place around me. The sun had set and the only light I could see couldn't even be considred light,it was the lighter blue the sky is covered in at night just befor it gets dark.

“What do you want!?” I asked, half yelling, half whispering in nervousness. I felt the arm across my neck tighten.

“Listen unless you want your boyfriend to disappear like your sister? I suggest you be back at the house by 8 am tomorrow and clean it before I get home. I own you, don’t ever forget that, your life is in my hands.”

 My heartbeat picked up in shock, was she really capable of kidnapping both Joan and Jayden? My throat tightened as lump formed there, I knew she was.  

“Annabelle?” I questioned, my voice shaking, but it was left unanswered as I felt the arm released my throat and heard the retreat of footsteps.

I was gasping for air, drinking it in, as tear fell relentlesly down my cheeks, she had Joan and shewas going to take away the only person I had left. A loud sob escaped my lips.

My stomach tightened at the thought of anything happening to Jayden, despite my lack of oxygen, I began to run towards Jayden's house hoping she hadn't gone to his house.

Tears blocked my vision as I ran I knew I would have to leave Jayden and I don't when or if I would ever see him again.

I just wanted the chance to tell him I loved him, a chance to a least say goodbye.


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