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There was a unusualness at home the next few nights, just as there was at school during the day. It made Finney sweat at night, despite the cool Autumn temperatures and rainy weather. The ambiance was tense, like he was under someone's watch at all times. It made him uncomfortable sitting alone while he ate dinner in the dining room after the rest of his family had finished their portions.

It felt especially bad tonight, so he asked to Gwen to sit with him while he ate his dinner. She happily agreed and sat back in the chair she used to eat her own dinner in, telling her brother all about her day at school when he asked. Gwen could physically feel his nerves slough away as he listened intently to his passionate little sister.

"And then we all went out to play and I getted the sandpit all to myself."

"Got," the boy corrected softly, "you got the sandpit all to yourself. That was lucky, wasn't it? You love the sandpit."

"Mhm!" She nodded enthusiastically, grinning from ear to ear. "Dad hates it when I go in the sandpit. She said the sand is fucking hard to wash out."

"Gwen," Finney warned, disappointed the girl still hadn't learned not to repeat bad language from their parents. "Remember what I said to you? Only Dad is allowed to swear because he's an adult. I can't, and you can't."

"But the kids in my class swear," she pouted, swinging her legs forward and backward, under the table and then back under the chair.

"They're naughty kids, then. You aren't a naughty kid, are you Gwenny?"

Finney shovelled rice into his mouth, quirking an eyebrow as he waited for an answer from his sister.

"No..." She was frowning, eyes aimed at the patterns on the wooden table in front of her as she was in deep thought of something. After a brief pause, she looked back up at her brother. "Are you naughty Finney? Dad says you are because you kiss boys."

The teenager felt his heart sink, discomfort settling into his stomach. He stared down at his food for a moment, leaving his utensils on the plate
to show he was finished with eating.

"No, I'm not naughty, Gwen. Kissing boys isn't bad, Dad think it is. He's allowed to think it is, but he's wrong."

"Good," Gwen breathed, sounding relieved.

"Why is it good?" Finney inquired, curious as to why she reaction the way she did.

"Because-" she leaned toward her brother, cupping her hands around her mouth, and lowering her voice, "-I kissed a boy today."

"Gwen!" Finney whisper-shouted, smiling a little at the scandalous admittance from the girl. "Which boy?"

His sister smiled shyly, coyly telling him about this other boy in her class. Finney could only chuckle at how cheeky his little sister was, teasing her about her classmate. It seemed as if she had more of a love life than him, which was inappropriate for someone her age, but he didn't have the heart to tell her off. He was sure his parents would if they ever found out, and wanted to help Gwen keep her little secret.


Despite the lovely chat he had with his sister earlier, Finney couldn't stop the nervous feeling from crawling back into his body when he laid down to go to sleep. He couldn't help but check his phone for the time, over and over again, each time turning his flash on and shining it around his room to double check he was truly alone.

He was getting more and more tired of repeating the ritual as if his life depended on it, so he decided to get out of bed and fetch himself a drink. It was silent as he tip-toed out of his bedroom, down the hallway, and toward the kitchen in the dark. He used his father's flashlight to help guide him through the dimness, safely arriving at his destination and heading toward the fridge where the chilled water was kept in a large water bottle.

The boy took out the oversized bottle, allowing for the fridge light to illuminate a small part of the kitchen. He left the door of it open to brighten the bench top, then retrieving a glass from the cupboards under the slab of marble. The cup was placed on the counter, almost being dropped when his eyes wandered and landed on a figure standing out the front of his house.

Never taking his eyes off the person in his front garden – literally within the perimeter of his very own property – Finney picked his flashlight up from the bench, shining the torch light toward the window to get a better view of the stranger. To his misfortune and sheer unsettlement, the figure disappeared around the side of the house, sprinting away before a good picture of them could be captured in Finney brain.

Finney abandoned the idea of getting himself a glass of refreshing water, shutting the fridge on his way out of the kitchen. His heart was thumping in his head, audibly sounding in his ears as he headed in the same direction as the stranger went to. Maybe he could scare off the creep without waking his sisters up; he didn't want them getting frightened by the thought of someone watching the house. It would probably scar them for the rest of their lives and he didn't want that happening, so he took matters into his own hands.

His phone's light led him through the house, his feet quiet as they took him in the direction of the back of the house. He could hear leaves crunching outside, just loud enough to be heard over the sound of his erratic heart. The male reached the back door, stupidly grabbing his mother's broom from beside the door in the hope it would be a good weapon to chase the trespasser off with.

Hesitating to leave the house, with his phone in one hand and the broom in the other, Finney felt severely underprepared for a situation like this. He was willing to take the risk for his sister anyway. His phone torch shone over the plants and grass in his backyard, landing on no moving figure, however.

It ran over the whole of the garden as Finney remained standing by the doorway, too afraid to actually step out into the darkness with someone lurking nearby. But he had to be certain... With a deep inhale, Finney took the risk of stepping into the night. He needed to make one hundred percent sure that stranger wasn't hiding along the wall of the rear of his home, waiting to break in the second the teen left this area unattended.

Alas, the stranger was there, and they pounced at Finney the moment his body was outside, tackling the boy to the ground. The teenager landed on the concrete of the back porch, the air getting knocked out of his lungs as his spine connected harshly with the hard ground. His Flashlight and his weapon fell from his hands, but he was preoccupied with the person on top of him and the throbbing in his suddenly aching head.

"Get off-" he tried to say, but a hand was forced over his mouth to keep him quiet. Finney struggled beneath the unknown person, grabbing at the other's hand to try and pry it from his face. He cried out in an attempt to call for help, understanding too late that scaring the creep off was not a one-person job.

"Shh!" The stranger hushed, taking out a cotton handkerchief from his hoodie's pocket and pressing it over Finney's nose.

By this point, Finney was than just paranoid and panicked, he was well and truly freaking the fuck out. He used all his exhausted strength to push the stranger off of him, but his arms felt feeble as a chemical whiff of something overrode his senses. The boy could feel his eyelids getting heavier as an intense tiredness took over his body.

Before he could realise it, Finney fell unconscious under the stranger. His entirety went completely limp as he drifted into an enforced slumber. Before he'd known it, Finney Blake became a missing person.


I wrote my own version of Finney's kidnapping because love him and his sister's relationship ❤️ i hope you guys enjoyed