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He laid in silence, feeling only the saliva-soaked rag in his mouth, the grown ache around his wrists, and the icy concrete under him. Finney faced the wall that had the writing on it, his eyes shut, yet every curve and bend of the letters was still engraved into the back of his eyelids. The boy had been staring at the stand-alone word since Albert had left, hauling the dead body of his day up the stairs, so he knew the sight of it like he knew the back of his hand.

The place smelt awful, even when he was unconscious. It was a repugnant, irony scent that would more than likely find its way into making a mark in his senses just as the bloody name had. Blood still covered a large portion of the ground, creating a little territory Finney wouldn't dare cross into. A line of the red substance dragged from the sticky puddle to the stairs and up the middle of them, climbing to the one exit and entrance the room had.

When the boy would awaken again, finding himself in the same cellar he witnessed a stabbing in, and the same place he woke up in after being snatched from his very own house, all those traumatic memories would come flooding back. He'd learned many things within the last 24 hours: 1, don't use a broom as a weapon (it's completely ineffective); 2, listen to your erratically beating heart and do not follow that stranger looming outside into the night (they're probably dangerous, you fuckhead); and 3, remember people's names even if they seem insignificant to you (they might try kidnapping you).

Though the likelihood of any of those situations arising was slim, Finney had made the mental note not to rule out any possibilities from now on.

Whilst the boy slept restlessly, Finney sat on his chair positioned in the corner adjacent to him, glancing over at him from time to time. Albert was in the middle of completing a task, so, to his misfortune, he couldn't simply enjoy observing the cute teen resting a couple metres away. He was setting up a his camera could do all the watching for him while he wasn't in here.

It was when he was setting the recording device and stand up by the foot of the stairs when Finney finally stirred. Albert turned his head, smiling when he saw his captee sit up against the wall. The younger squirmed a bit, fixing his posture so he was staring back at the elder, less enthusiastic at his presence.

"You're up. Are you hungry?" Albert offered in a sweet voice, waiting until he saw the other shake his head before he finished tweaking the angle of his camera. He ended the task with an accomplished nod. "Smile for the camera, Finney."

Albert walked around to stand on the stairs, his bare feet barely missing the dark stains that painted the steps. He looked through the camera, grinning behind the mask as he saw Finney displayed on its screen, his chequered pyjama pants and darkly coloured top thrown over his miserable looking figure like rags. The socks on his feet were dirty from the dusty ground under him, forehead sweaty as if he'd already been down here for a week.

"Perfect," the man praised softly, pressing the 'Start Recording' button, and zooming in on Finney a little, flicking on the torch option so it was easier to see the boy. "My Finn is finally with me. It feels like a dream."

More like a nightmare, Finney thought.

"Do you need anything, sweetheart? Besides food?"

No, no, no, no, no, he did not just call me that.

Finney gave another shake of his head. Albert didn't stop looking through the camera lens, ignoring the real person and instead speaking like the camera was the actual person.

"No? You aren't bored or anything?"

Again, the boy shook his head.

"Okay then, I'll just sit here and watch you not be bored, alright?" Albert mused, moving to take a seat on a higher step so he could continue watching Finney through the camera's video. He leaned his elbow on his knee, resting his head in his palm and just... watching.

He stared, blinking rhythmically every now and then.

He stared, causing Finney to shift under the intense gaze.

He watched for minute after minute, wordlessly.

Finney tried to turn around to face the corner like a child in trouble, wanting to escape the watchful eyes that didn't seem like they'd ever leave. He spun around on the cold ground, using his feet to push his body, but halted when he heard the other speak up again.

"Don't turn away. I told you to smile for the camera."

He did as he was told, facing back toward Albert. It was probably a good idea not to disobey the person he'd seen murder another man. His head hung low, avoiding looking up at the other male. The kidnappee stared down at the zip tie binding his wrists together, intertwining his fingers so they could sit more comfortably in his lap.

It felt so weird how quickly he went from being at home, chatting up a storm with Gwen while he ate a home-cooked meal, to here; huddled in the corner of a dark, blood-stained cellar with a murderer examining him through the lens of a camera. The brightness that spotlighted him felt degrading, like it was making fun of him for being so helpless and pitiful.

The eyes on him caused the teenager to feel suddenly self-conscious.

Was the other manjudging him for his raggedy clothes (his family hadn't been the best off)?

Was Albert thinking of the most gruesome way to kill him, too (he'd already done it once without mercy)?

Would Albert stab Finney; was that what he was thinking as he stared the boy down?

"It's your fault, you know."

Finney lifted his head back up.

"It's your fault my brother died. You could've saved his life, but you forgot my name. At least you know now; how it's easy enough to remember someone's name as it is to take someone's life," he said, darkly.

Shut up, he wanted to say, that's a messed up way of blaming someone else for something bad you did. And don't forget to mention you were the one to put the knife in his back.

Alas, he remained quiet, casting his eyes to the floor.

"How about I go get you some food now, yeah?" Albert declared, abruptly more upbeat than he was two seconds ago. He hopped up from where he was sitting, bounding upstairs. Finney's eyes followed his back until he was out of sight, feeling his body instantaneously relax the moment the elder was gone.

Mere minutes later – definitely not enough time for Finney to gather equanimity – Albert returned with a packet and a box in his hands, side-stepping around the camera at the foot of the staircase as he strolled over to the boy on the floor. He placed the items on the ground in front of Finney, letting the teen get a good look of what he'd brought down.

... crisp bread and ham.

It made the brunette boy shiver at the fact even the brands were the same as what he had at home. He glanced up when he heard a squeak against the slick flooring, seeing Albert dragging his chair over to sit by him. The older boy loosened Finney's gag before getting comfy in his seat, hovering over the younger.

"I know you like this; you make it for lunch most of the time. Enjoy."


If you haven't noticed by now a lot of events that happen in the movie are replaced and thats only because its losely based on the black phone and its characters :)