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First thing in the morning, Detective Wright was accompanying Sergeant Philips to pay a visit to their captain's home, ready to knuckle down on the case that had been left to sit for too long already. Write would have to ultimately put Finney Blake's case on hold. Captain Shaw's house was a welcoming abode, encouraging the two men to walk up the flat steps and onto the wooden veranda that framed the entrance of the structure. A decent house on a decent street.

Sandy had given the pair the address, allowing for them to get to doing what they needed to do as soon as they could. Which led them to now, with Philips rapping a closed fist modestly against the polished front door and Wright staring at a closed curtain through the narrow window beside said entryway. A navy blue fabric looked back at him; it rather suited the white shell the exterior walls exhibited.

The dark blue broke away after a hand moved it to the side, a teenage boy replacing the drape. Wright assumed this was Albert Shaw: the youngest and hardly-ever mentioned son of his superior. The boy held a neural and unphased expression as he scanned his eyes over the policemen's figures, letting the curtain fall back over the glass pane after a moment of staring.

A disgruntled voice called from inside the house. "I don't want to talk to you pigs. Go away."

Philips twisted his back, giving Wright a look that read 'that was an unexpected response'. The sergeant turned back to face the door once more, folding his arms over his chest. His eyes averted to look further upward, tracing the square etchings of the wood with his gaze.

"Albert, we only want a quick chat," Philips yelled back. "We'll leave you alone after that."

"No you won't, don't lie."

"We will; promise. We have an update on your dad's missing persons case-"

"Go away!"

Wright watched as his co-worker flinched, taken aback. Philips backed up from the door, stopping beside Wright, arms still crossed as he held a stance of great authority.

"What do you think we should do?"

"Honestly?" Wright said quieter, grinning unsurely. "Something dishonourable to any officer of the law."

"And that is?"

"Lie. Tell him we uncovered the captain's body somewhere," he shrugged. "See if we can get a reaction. Maybe he'll open the door. Maybe he'll tell us something we didn't know."

"Detective, I'm disappointed in you," Philips sighed sadly, "but I'm also disappointed in myself." He stepped back up to the door, knocking on the wood in case the uncooperative teenager had left. "Albert, we've discovered your dad's body and have to come by to tell you."

It was quiet – eerily so – as the two policemen waited for a reply from behind the door. For a moment, Wright made it out to be that Albert had left and wandered off back into the house, or perhaps he was blatantly ignoring the men standing outside in the frosty weather.

But then, the handle moved abruptly, the door snapping open only a little amount. Albert had his eyes boring holes into Philips own eyes, sending the older man a hateful look.


"Your dad, his body's been found. We wanted to go inside and discuss the matter with you," Philips fibbed smoothly, the lies falling out of his mouth as if he'd rehearsed them a hundred times. "We'd rather come inside to talk further, don't want the neighbours to overhear and spread gossip."

Wow, Wright thought to himself, Sergeant knows his stuff. I suppose he's been in the force long enough to know the right things to say.

"I already said I didn't want to talk to you, yet you still fucking spoke," the teen murmured, still glaring at the police sergeant like they were enemies. "You're not coming inside. I don't want to hear about any of it."

"Look," Wright started softly, naturally adopting the role of good cop. "We understand this is difficult for you. We still have some details we'd like to talk with you about. Or-"

"No. I don't care about what happened to my dad. I said, go away," Albert repeated, going to close the door again. It was kept open when Philips stuck his foot out to stop it.

"You opened the door, you must care a little."


Sorry for not updating in so long. School is what im focusing on 24/7 so i have a lot less time to write. But alas if i don't get this out tonight im not going to get it out in the morning, lol.