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The teen glowered at Philips with strong animosity, not moving for a moment. It went hush once more. He shook when a gust of wind blew against his back, sending spitting rain to jab into his coat and decorate the thick material in sparkles of water.

Albert seemed to have made up his mind. His eyes softened – but only slightly – before they landed on Wright tense, shivering figure. "Fine, I'll listen then. But only he can come in. He doesn't seem like he's in-your-face."

He doesn't seem threatening, the detective switched up the words spoken for the ones Albert very clearly meant. Wright had dealt with plenty of criminals, narcissists, and manipulators, he could recognise the tone of one when he heard it. As far as he knew, this young man wasn't different to any one of the listed.

"As you wish," Philips agreed, removing his foot from between the door and its frame. He took a step out of the way and watched as his subordinate entered the house he'd been forbidden from going into. He trusted his workmate would do the best he could, so didn't feel too worried as the door shut closed behind him. What he was more concerned about was what may be the outcome of this drop-in.

Inside the house, it felt cooler, darker than the inviting presence the outside of the house portrayed. Wright trailed behind Albert, being led into the living room and offered a seat in one of the two armchairs that were set on either side of a coffee table. They were positioned at an angle, so you could sue them for either watching television in or conversing with other people in the room in. Today, the armchairs were used for the latter.

Wright took a seat on the cushioned piece of furnisher, facing Albert as he sat in the other chair. The teen rested his hands behind his head, leaning against the back of the chair and maintaining his stern expression.

"I don't like you, or your associate," he stated bluntly. "You can't force your way into someone's house, you know. It's unlawful."

"Albert," the officer verbalised, crossing one leg over the other. "You're a minor at home by yourself. Someone would've come to your door at some point, and that would be to either tell you the bad news like me and my 'associate' are, take you away to CPS because you're without a guardian, or evict you because you can't afford to pay bills for a house."

"I'm a minor at home by myself, what makes you think it's any better for an officer who hasn't even shown me his badge to force his way into my home?"Albert pointed out.

Wright was staggered, wavering before he pulled out his ID to present to the other like he should've before he even stepped foot into the residence. The younger read over the badge and ID, scanning to find the officer's name and rank. He smirked at the unprofessionalism of the visitor, nodding to indicate he'd finished confirming the identity of the elder.

"Detective Wright," he relayed as the cop put his ID away, "you sound like a professional."

"I am a professional."

"That's what I said, you sound like a professional," Albert emphasised his words. "You didn't show me your ID, but that's okay, we all make mistakes."

"Sorry about that. So much has been happening lately I forgot protocol," Wright humoured, straightening his posture in the hope it would make up for his stuff-up. "I'm glad you know your rights."

"Yeah, yeah. Now, what about my dad?" Albert brushed past the apology.

"He's been found dead," the man told again. "And it's come to our attention you were the last person to see him. You saw him the afternoon before he went missing, correct?"

"Yeah, then he went out for a drive almost as soon as he got home. I thought he was going to his work friend's house," the brunet boy confirmed. "I don't actually know where he was going, he never told me."

"You thought he was going to a friend's house? Which friend?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Anything can help, Albert."

"I don't know, he could've been going to my grandparent's for all I know," the teen shrugged.

"Alright, here's a different question for you," Wright proposed, having something brewing in the back of his head. "When my co-worker, spoke with you over the phone asking about your dad, why did you say the last time you saw your dad was in the morning before he left for work, but when I asked you if you last saw him in the afternoon, did you say yes?"

Albert's smug facial expression faltered.

"Could you say that again?"

"You spoke with them over the phone, correct? And you told him the last time you saw your dad was in the morning before he went missing. But just now when I asked if you'd seen your dad the afternoon before he went missing, you said you had seen him. Which is it, Albert?"

"You told me," Albert started, removing his hands from behind his head to sit them in his lap. "You told me you wanted to come inside my house to discuss details about my dad's case. Why is this sounding like an interrogation?"

"I'm not interrogating you, Albert. I'm just asking a few questions. We all want to know what happened to your dad."

Wright knew he'd struck a nerve with his asking.

"Did I forget to mention I still have school on today? Did you also not hear me when I told you I don't care what happened to my dad; whether or not he's alive and well or dead in someone's backyard?" The teenager defended, skimming past the question he'd been asked in the first place.

"That's not what I was asking you about, Albert. It's an easy question: when did you last see Bill Shaw?"

"I don't know and I don't care. You can leave now, I need to get to school." He stood up from his seat, waiting for Wright to do the same.

"You're in casualwear, I don't think you were planning on going anywhere today."

"Get out!" Albert shouted, pointing toward the hallway. "Get the fuck out of my house! You weren't welcome here in the first place."


I forgot the name i set for his dad lol

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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