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Finney held back a smile when he saw Albert next, presumably hours after his visit from earlier. Recently, as he'd gotten uncomfortably conditioned to seeing the elder so often, the boy had felt he didn't have to be scared all the time. Albert had been nice lately, and the younger of them took that as a good sign.

"Sweetheart," Albert sing-songed mellifluously, standing on the last step of the staircase. "Come over here, please."

Finney obeyed as he watched Albert motion towards himself with his index finger, encouraging the raven-head to walk over. The floor was icy as he scurried over to the older teen, even though he was sporting a fluffy pair of white socks.

When he reached Albert, Finney was surprised to see the door at the top of the stairs had been left wide open. He didn't want to eye the first exit to this place for too long for fear the other teenager would deem it suspicious. He simply glimpsed at the doorway before landing his gaze on a more-cheerful-than-usual Finney.

"I think you've gotten a little too comfy down here," the elder expressed, "so I'm letting you upstairs today."

"Really?" Finney asked, thrilled at the thought of seeing natural light again. And when Albert nodded in answer to his question, he couldn't hold back from throwing his arms around the other, who retaliated by wrapping his own arms around the younger.

"But, dolly," the brunet boy whispered into the other's ear, "if you take advantage of my kindness, I won't hesitate to send you back to the cellar."

Finney felt a shiver run down his back, nodding to show he understood the warning.

"I won't do that, I promise," he uttered back.

Later, it was Albert's double-bed Finney slept in that night, cosy and so, so warm. He was unsure about sleeping with the older next to him, but found the comfort of another person just being there was rather heartening. And, he found the easement of slumbering in a pillowy, snug, proper bed was something he'd dreadfully missed and not even realised it.

Alberts bedroom had been the only room thus far that the younger had been into (he'd been shown the bathroom, but wasn't supposed to go in there without Alberts permission) and, to say the least, it was quite homely. The walls were painted a cream colour, the carpet that made up the top layer of flooring was itchy if he touched it too long, but squished under his feet like a large, flat cushion, which was characteristic in his opinion.

The bed in the room itself was fitted with dark grey sheets and a heavy, black comforter thrown on the top. The colouring made it suitable for the cold weather, and the softness Finney fell into after getting into the bed was a new kind of addiction.

So warm.


Albert sat in his room, watching a movie on his TV with Finney sat by his side when he heard the shrill ringing of the home phone from the kitchen. The film was getting to its climax after an excessive amount of time had been spent on setting up the story of it, the curtains drawn to dim the room and block out the streetlights that cut through the early evening darkness. But of course, it had been disrupted by the godforsaken sound of a distraction.

Albert had paused the movie, grumbling under his breath about how inconvenient the caller's timing was, effectively leaving Finney on his lonesome with a mode of communication within arm's reach. If the older of the pairing thought it was a hard decision leaving Finney with access to social communication, he definitely didn't show his struggle to exit the room.

Finney watched Albert back disappear outside the room, creeping down the hallway toward where it was assumed the kitchen would be. His gaze then turned to land on the device left on the mattress in front of him, eyeing the object in contemplation.