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Albert had come home from work that day and had immediately gone downstairs to read over the letter he'd given Finney the whole day to write. He noticed the sheet of paper laying on the floor in front of the younger boy, the pen in his hand as he used it to draw on the back of his other hand, and all up his arm and forearm.

When he noticed Albert enter, it appeared he was about to throw the pen across the room. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as he carefully put the pen down on the paper, not breaking eye contact with the elder.

"What have you been up to?" Of course, Albert already knew the answer to this because he'd seen it just now and on the camera application on his phone. But, he wanted to hear it directly from his doll's mouth. An admittance – better yet, a confession of doing something he wasn't given permission to do.

"I was... drawing?" The wide-eyed teenager answered slowly, carefully tugging his long sleeve back down and tucking his hand into it to hide the temporary tattoos he'd given himself.

But that wasn't enough for Albert.

"Well, you gotta show me now, don't you? What artistry have you been creating, sweetheart?" He pried, stepping over to the chair in the room. It seemed Finney knew he wasn't permitted to sit in the seat because he'd never been caught sitting in it.

"It's... It's personal," Finney deflected, keeping his arm and hand hidden from the elder's eyes.

"Finney," Albert tutted, crossing his arms. "I've dressed you like four times now, I'm sure we're at the point of getting a little more personal. I love you, remember? You can't get more personal than that."

Finney didn't answer verbally this time, simply holding his arm out for Albert to roll up his sleeve if he so wished. And that was exactly what the older teenager did, pushing the sleeve up to reveal the lines Finney had been scribbling all over his arm and hand. There were words all over his skin, inking it like a full sleeve tattoo.

"Let's read some of this, yeah?" Albert began, clearing his throat as if to taunt the younger. "'Fuck you', 'die', 'stupid, stupid, stupid', 'idiot', 'too much blood', 'so much blood', 'faggot', 'disgusting', 'no son of mine', 'un... lovable'..." he trailed off at the last word he read aloud. His expression fell to an unreadable one.

Albert silently stood from the chair he'd just sat down on, snatching up the piece of paper and the pen from the floor, and leaving without another word. Finney grew nervous at the other male's reaction to what he'd done. Had he fucked up?

Ten minutes of grating quietness later and the sound of the cellar door opening sounded throughout the room. Finney perked up uneasily, observing with curiosity as Albert came downstairs holding a bucket of water in his hold.

"I'll get you all cleaned up and spotless again, just like my dolly was before. And if you're extra good, I'll bring you a blanket."

A blanket? Finney felt overjoyed at the thought of receiving a blanket. He would make sure he would behave well.

Now, as unsettling as the captive thought it might've seemed, he smiled for the first time since he'd gotten there. He was getting a clean and possibly a blanket. Today must've been his lucky day.

So, Finney really is being mindful.

But those thoughts quickly washed away the moment he was in his boxers and freezing his ass off in front of Albert. There had been a soapy cloth in the water bucket that had been used to first scrub off all the ink covering his arm and hand, cleaning away the insecure scrawls Finney had put there.

When Albert got to wiping away the last remaining word, he halted before doing so, looking up at Finney with a cold glint in his eye.


"Unhappy Finn said that..." Finney mumbled shamefully, only realising how ridiculous he sounded after the words had already left his mouth.

"Unhappy Finn?" Albert pressed, gathering more water on the cloth in his hand before eh began scrubbing the final word out.

"When I'm sad," the younger started, catching himself almost spilling a very intimate thing between him and Gwen. "Uh, my- my sister calls me that. When I'm sad..."

"That's hilarious," the elder chuckled. "Your sister gave your sadness a name? Poor you."

"I know, it's fucking stupid. That's- that's why I wrote it. I am stupid." Finney teeth chattered, his body trembling from being so cold in this room, and being splashed with frosty water wasn't helping.

"No," Albert scolded, flinging water at the younger's face in a way he deemed playful. "Only I can call you that. Also, I'm proof you're not unlovable, so don't say those idiotic things again."

Finney felt his stomach churn. He couldn't tell if it flipped because what Albert had said was oddly kind, or if his stomach was swirling because he felt sick to the core that Albert was convinced this was love.

"Sorry..." the younger whispered regretfully, watching as the other stood up and left the soaking cloth on the floor. He picked up the bucket of water, tipping the glacial liquid over Finney entire body without warning. It was so sudden that the captive hardly had time to hold his breath before the water spilled over his half-naked self, causing a wave of uncontrollable shivers to run under his skin.

Albert ventured back up the stairs, bucket and cloth in hand. He arrived back not long after, holding a towel and some clean clothing instead. He looked over at the quaking boy in the cellar, telling him to stand up and get out of the puddle of water that now lie to freeze on the cold concrete.

Finney listened, standing up in the middle of the small room with his knees tense under him, and his hands holding his shoulders tightly. He stayed as quiet as he could as Albert dried him off thoroughly before dressing him up in a new outfit. The clothes were so warm, the younger of the teens practically defrosted after they'd been put on him. Unfortunately, the soft material wasn't enough to warm him completely.

He glanced over at the older boy, who was still in his clothes, his unnaturally pale skin looking like the warmest thing in this badly-illuminated room. Albert was close, too, and Finney could feel the heat radiating from his person. It was when the brunet's fingers tugged on the younger teen's hand so he could fix up the sleeve cuffs that Finney plucked up some courage.

The boy stepped closer, and pressed his body against Albert, wrapping his arms around the taller slightly. So warm. It was so, so warm. Finney could actually feel his own skin again and it was marvellous.

The older of them was momentarily taken aback, but quickly embraced the other, allowing him to warm up even more.

"Is my Finney finally warming up to me?"

You could say that.

Finney shut his eyes, ignoring the all-too-familiar concrete walls that had been boxing him in for who knew how long, ignoring the wet towel draped over the chair, ignoring the camera light that shone in his eyes, and going completely ignorant to the circumstances he was in. Just for now, he wanted to pretend everything was okay.


It probably smells so musty in there 😭