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The grey haired detective had thoughts scattered throughout his brain, trying piece together what little information he had about his most recent case. It was a strange missing persons case if he ever did see one. Some of the details didn't match up with his theories.

Originally, after the young girl with the missing teen brother had approached him for help, he thought it was a runaway case. By the way little Gwen was talking about her household and her father, saying she thought he was a rat and he didn't care that Finney had gone missing, he had wholeheartedly believed the household was toxic and the poor kid had up and left.

But then, Gwen explained what had been left after Finney disappeared: a draft streaming in through the open backdoor and an inside broom left to freeze outside. And the fact none of the missing teen's clothes were missing (besides the PJ's he was said to be wearing) was another odd factor. His father's flashlight was missing, as well. It was, as Gwen quoted: "just like Finney had walked out of the house."

He wanted to treat it like a runaway case, hopeful that the boy would trudge back into his house after a day or two to breathe, but Wright knew better. He had the instinct to dig further, but ultimately he'd just been led to a dead end.

"Detective Wright."

Wright almost jumped out of his own skin when he heard someone speak from directly behind him. It was his break time, he just wanted another coffee, he didn't want nor expect someone to appear out of nowhere in the – what he thought was empty – breakroom.

He spun around, hand on his chest in fright. When he saw it was just his colleague, his heart cooled down enough for him to formulate a proper sentence.

"Sorry, you scared me," He greeted as politely as he could in the state he was in. "What did you want?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the Captain," the other replied, motioning toward the table set up in the room. "Mind if we sit down a moment?"

"You can, I'm making myself a coffee. You want one?"

"No, no, I'm good. Thank you," the officer declined, taking a seat that was facing the kitchenette area. "Uh, so about the captain. He doesn't just not show up for four days, that's unlike him. So, I decided to call his work number, but got nothing. Then I called his personal number, still nothing. But, when I called his home number, his son picked up."

"Alright, that's a bit strange... What did his son have to say?" Wright asked, waiting for the kettle to finish boiling as he spooned some ground coffee into a mug.

"His son, Albert I think was his name, said the captain hadn't been home since the morning we last saw him."

"Why didn't he file for a missing person's report if his dad hasn't been home in four days?" The blond man said incredulously, quirking a brow in puzzlement.

"That's what I said to the kid, but he said he thought the captain was just working overtime, or had gone on an impromptu visit to his relatives house in the city. Albert said both of those happened often, which is believable considering Captain Shaw does work a lot of overtime, and does visit his parents quite a bit."

"That's true." He nodded, watching the kettle light flick off indicating it had finished boiling. He picked the jug up, pouring some steaming water into his mug and stirring it all. After putting the kettle back down, the man mixed in some other ingredients to sweeten the bitter drink a bit.

"Wait a moment," he spoke again, "I thought the captain's son lived out of town? And Albert definitely wasn't his name."

"He's got two sons, Detective," Hoseok informed.

"Well, then he only ever talks about one of them, and it isn't this Albert kid."

He sipped on his beverage, moving sit down at the table with the other policeman.

"Yeah..." He said, seeming to know more than what had been mentioned thus far about the topic. "Anyways, so it seems the captain is missing. Albert didn't want me filing Captain Shaw for a missing person's report, said it was in case there wasn't anything to worry about."

"Albert said not to, but you did anyway, didn't you?" Yoongi inquired, noticing the certain tone his co-worker was using. The officer nodded sheepishly. "I agree with you doing that. I think it's weird for the captain to visit his parents during the week without telling at least one person."

He hummed, clasping his hands on the tabletop.

"There have been some strange things going on in town the past couple months, don't you think?" He remarked. "It's not really a big town, yet we've had a teacher arrested for texting teenage boys, an accidental death of another teacher from the same school, what, two missing students plus one whose suicide is suspicious, and now the captain."

"You think foul play is involved?" Wright suggested.

"Well, there sure are a lot of things pointing toward it. All of the cases can be linked back to a common factor," He explained. His words were rather impressive to Wright.

"And what would that common factor be?"

"Ivory High, the school I was talking about. Even the captain's son goes there."

"Ivory High... I must be working on one of the missing student's cases, then. You'll make a great detective one day, Officer. What you've just told me is splendid work," the dark man complimented. "And, it could help at some point in the case I'm working on."


I liked Mr. Wright in the movie so he's here now

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