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"Albert?" Finney asked cautiously after the older had removed the gag from his mouth. Albert barely glanced at the brown-haired boy as he sat down in front of him, setting a container full of eggs and bacon on the ground.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

The elder of the two picked up the container, holding it out toward Finney. He picked some of the food up with a pair of disposable utensils, looking at his captee and waiting for him to open his mouth Finney allowed himself to be fed, finishing the mouthful before speaking again.

"Can I write a letter to my sister?"

"A letter... to your sister?" Albert inquired, shoving another mouthful of eggs into the younger's mouth before he had the chance to elaborate. Finney swallowed the food quicker this time, nodding his head to confirm that was what he was asking.

"I just- I wanna tell her I'm okay. And I am okay... because you're here," the  brunette fawned rather timidly. "She'll worry about me and- and I don't want her to worry," he explained, his words being rushed in fear the older might try to cut him off. More food was shovelled into his gob before he could begin a full-on ramble.

Albert hummed thoughtfully, taking a lot of eggs and putting them in his own mouth. He chewed his food painfully slowly, allowing for Finney to finish his own and wait impatiently for a reply.

When a response didn't come after nearly a whole minute of silence – even after Albert had finished his mouthful –Finney resorted to hesitantly speaking again.

"If- if you think I'll tell her what happened, I won't. I promise I won't. She's only seven, she can't- she can't understand that stuff," the boy prattled on briskly, letting another bite-sized serving of Eggs to be fed to him. He watched the other desperately, wanting him to say yes. Finney just wanted to make sure Gwen wouldn't try looking for him – that might've only made things worse.

"She can't understand what, Finney?" Albert interrogated, pressuring Finney to rethink what he'd said already.

"Th-that- that sometimes- sometimes-" Finney stammered hopelessly, anxiousness pushing heavily on his chest as he witnessed the elder stare him down from half a metre away. He inhaled shakily, shoulders hiking up to make himself appear smaller. "Sometimes it's- it's for the better to find a good home. A- a home that's... better for you."

Albert went quiet again, shoving more food into his captee's mouth to clear the tension a little. Though he rather enjoyed watching the other teenager tell him what his eared wanted to hear, the older of the two knew Finney was prone to freak-outs. He'd seen them before; only once at school, but a few times when the younger was in the comfort of his own – old – house.

"You can write a letter to your sister, but I'll be checking it before it goes past the staircase. Finish your food and I'll get you some paper," he agreed at last, causing Finney to physically relax as if he'd just dodged some deadly bullet.

Eagerly, the captive ate the rest of the food, which pleased Albert. After the last of the bacon portion of the food had been gulped down, the kidnapper stood up and went upstairs to discard the dishes and rubbish, and returned a few minutes later with paper and a pen, as well as... scissors? He set the tools down on the ground, keeping the sharp accessory in his own hands.

"Hands," he demanded, holding his own free palm out for Finney to place his hands in. When the younger did so, quite warily, Albert cut the ribbon off his wrists, shocking  a little. "I don't think you need that anymore. You're settling in nicely, just like I told you, you would. When you're obedient, I'll do special things like this, okay?"

Finney nodded, growing confused at the fact a warmth swelled in his stomach when he came to the realisation that Albert was being kindly today. It was a pleasant change from the usual brooding, and threatening presence the elder had had since Finney first got here. The younger teen almost smiled.

Almost, but didn't.

"Thank you, Albert," he spoke appreciatively, moving to take his hands away from the other and begin writing his letter, but was stopped from doing so. Albert grasped his wrists tightly, putting an end to the brunette's attempt, and pressed the point of the scissors against Finney throat.

Finney pursed his lips, his breath hitching as he felt the coldness of the metal object poke into his delicate skin. He could see the other teen's frame remaining anchored, but could physically feel the tip of the scissors wavering against his flesh as if they were being careful not to actually hurt him.

"But if you take this opportunity for granted," Albert warned, "I'll have to demonstrate why you shouldn't go taking advantage of luxuries. Understood?"

"Understood," Finney breathed out, his heartbeat pattern suddenly unstable. His eyes followed at the cutting tool was removed from his neck, waiting this time for Albert to let go of his wrists.

When the man stood up and left with the scissors, Finney couldn't help but hear a moderately frightening thought pop up in the back of his mind.

Was Albert being... mindful when he had those scissors to my throat?

The boy couldn't tell what was scarier; the fact Albert was being nicer than he normally was, or the fact Finney had even briefly thought Albert was being nice at all. He was not being nice, he was giving a sliver of lenience to Finney because he knew fully well that his captive had no chance of getting out.


Changed my mind im continuing this book from start to finish out of spite