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With hurrying footsteps and shoes clacking against the linoleum flooring, A middle aged woman was walking toward Wright's desk with another man beside her. The detective saw this, curiously lifting his head up from the paperwork on the table in front of him.

"Detective Wright, this woman has some valuable information pertaining to Captain Shaw," the uniformed officer mentioned, motioning for said man to sit down in the seat next to Wright's untidy desk. "This is Sandy Shaw, the captain's wife."

Sandy Shaw was a rather interesting figure. She wore black slacks like she was on the way to business meeting, wore a blazer that fit her figure well and matched with his pants, but wore a casual printed shirt like she was going to a casual get together with friends. All this paired with a fanny around her hips head and dirty sneakers was a unique sight.

Her face was something else, and not just for the fact it was admittedly beautiful, but also for the fact she looked just about done with everything. Aged face, lips downturned, eyebrows hard-set, and tired eyes  hooded.

"I see. Gladly, I'll take down anything that might be important," Wright accepted. "Thanks, Officer. After this, we'll ask Sergeant to call a meeting with the whole precinct."

"Do you know many goddamed police stations are around this area?" Sandy grumbled. "Too fucking many. Took me two days just to figure out which station my husband worked in." She held up two fingers, jutting them in wright direction rather aggressively. "It's past midnight, so I count it as two days, anyway."

"Yes, I understand why that might be a problem-" the detective nodded in assurance "- but now you're here and you can say what you've been meaning to."

Captain shaw sure has a unique family, he thought. What with a wife he had always spoken about in a manner of pride because she was successful. And two sons. one he had not bothered mentioning to anyone, and another who was his pride and joy, despite being a druggie.

What I wanted to tell you is I think my husband – Captain Shaw or whatever you lot call him – has been murdered by one of my sons."

Wright took a moment to process the claim before continuing.

"Explain why you think that may be."


"Please Finney," Ross piped up weakly after at least an hour's worth of silence.

"Fine!" Finney responded harshly, breathing deeply before he spoke again. "Fine, Ross. I'll help you. What do you want me to do?"

Ross entire tone changed, spiking to one of determination.

"Okay, okay, what I want you to do is get Albert to let you back upstairs. You said he loved you, right? Why don't you just... trick him into thinking you love him back? Then you can wait 'til he's left the house and open the door for me."

"I hadn't thought of that... Okay, fine. I'll- I'll try."

"Thank you, thank you so, so much." Nothing but pure gratitude was poured into the relieved words. "I'm sorry for kind of forcing you to do this, but thank you. After I get out of here – if I get out of here – I'll help you. I promise with my whole heart to help you."

The ginger's voice rang sweetly through Finney's head, not believing he'd heard someone so genuine since Gwen had told him she loved him; well, he supposed the latter was no longer true, but Ross still sounded honest. His voice was heart-warming in a way Finney hadn't heard before.

"Why, though? What do I need help with?"

"You need to get away from Albert. He's... Finney, you said yourself he killed his own dad, do you think that makes him safe to be near?" Ross pointed out. He was right about everything he was saying, and that aggravated Finney.

"I'll help you get away. Albert; he, well, I think he also-" he ran a thumb across his throat to indicate a knife slicing along it, making a chrr sound as he did so "-two of our friends. And then... framed them as suicides. He's always been a little different, I never thought the reason why would be that he's insane. He's not a good person, as much I hate saying it – he's my best friend." The final words felt wrong on his tongue.

"I don't want you to help me, Ross, I'm okay here. I like it here." Those words made Finney feel like he was trying to convince himself.

Convince myself of what? He wondered. He did like it here, what was he thinking? Alberr treated him better than he was treated at home, Albert would miss him, Albert loved him, and Albert cared about him.

So, why did it sound like this stranger was more caring?

"Well... I can't just leave without showing my thanks. What can I do, then?"

Finney pondered, looking up at the ceiling he couldn't see to avoid letting tears in his eyes.

"Hug me?"


"Albert, my son, has a few loose screws in his head – god knows what he got it from – and he's just not right up here," Sandy started, tapping her temple. "I called my husband's home phone because he hasn't been picking up my calls and I was getting worried. Albert answered because he still lives at home, too, but during our conversation – argument – he made an implication."

"And that was?"


From the top of the stairs where Albert sat on the other side of the door, he refrained from going downstairs that very moment and screaming at both of the other two. He let himself sit there in silence, listening in on what were his two favourite people scheming against him.


Finney's screwed, once again 😃