Chapter 10 |Part 2|: Who You Are (junior year)

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(junior year)

"I love Clyde."

"Marry him, then," I said, with a bored voice.

After texting my friends a simple '7pm, Diner', they immediately texted back to agree. I wanted to fucking get out of the house as soon as possible. Seeing Clyde out of the blue like that had me all kinds of riled up. Dipshit.

Now my friends and I were hanging out at the Diner, everyone's favorite place in town - especially the high school kids. It was a typical diner with yellow walls, neon signs, and jukebox on the corner. It always smelled of bacon and pancakes. It was neat and comfy, too. No wonder it was always packed with people.

"I would," sighed Alfie playfully, "but he's got no vagina."

Kurt's chuckle was muffled from chewing his fries, his shoulders shaking in quiet laughter.

"Ugh," shuddered Connie. "He gives me the chills."

"I think he's pretty nice."

All heads turned to Frisco. At our gazes, he uncomfortably shifted in his seat beside me. He scratched the back of his head.

"Of course," he added, "you guys know him better than I do. I only met him once."

"He's twisted," replied Alfie a-matter-of-factly. "Oz is like a shark. At first glance, you know you have to stay as fucking far away as you fucking can. But Clyde is like . . . He's like . . ." He trailed off, looking deep in thought. He then frowned and gestured his hand like a hook on his forehead, adding, "What's that ugly ass fish in the deep sea? One with the light bulb on its head?"


"Anglerfish?" guessed Frisco.

Alfie snapped his fingers. "Anglerfish! Clyde's like that - Lures you in with his natural charm, then bam!" He slammed his fist on the table. "Eats your fucking ass."


"Exactly," muttered Connie, with a raised eyebrow.

Imagine being related to him. Fucking sucks. Poor me.

I picked up my can of coke, took a drink, and stared at it.

"I need beer," I murmured, setting it down but not letting go of it.

Kurt heard me because he turned and suggested, "Let's get some."

"We got a game tomorrow," I replied, shaking my head.

Although I had a hella high tolerance for alcohol, I'd rather play with a completely sober head.

I didn't take most things seriously. But football? It was fucking religion.

"Doesn't matter," snorted Alfie, leaning back on his seat. His face looked defeated as he laughed humorlessly. "Pretty sure I won't play, anyway."

Coach had been switching him and Adam (the starting QB) for several months now. But since it was Adam's senior year, it was expected that he'd get a lot more play time on the field than Alfie. Even though my best friend and I were one helluva duo on the field.

"You'll get your shot," I told my best friend.

He only nodded, looking away.

"We'll own our senior year, man."

A little smirk appeared on his face. Good enough for me.

Kurt cleared his throat. "Head's up," he announced, nodding to the newcomers.

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