Chapter Seven

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Two days after Nelson's arrival, I walked into Mrs. Carlson's musical soiree. Nelson had made yet another valiant attempt to arrange my hair, and though she had much better success than previous maids had, I didn't see much difference in the mirror. Nelson's presence in our household hadn't done much to change anything.

Obediently, I remained next to Mama before the program begun. She found a friend and did not attempt to speak to anyone else. Much to my frustration, she continued her conversation with her friend who took the seat next to her when everyone gathered for the beginning of the music.

"Is this seat taken?"

Twisting around, I lifted my gaze to find Mr. Landon next to me. "Oh, no," I said quickly, I gestured to the chair. "You are welcome to sit there."

With a smile, he did just that. "You are looking well, Miss Burnham. Have you been much occupied with the Season? I believe this is the first I've seen you in a week."

He'd noticed that? I managed a nod, feeling heat spread across my cheeks. "Indeed," I agreed. "And yes, I have been busy. I would never have believed it was possible for a person to be so busy or to have so many places to go."

He laughed lightly. "True enough. There are times I believe I hardly have a chance to breathe when the Season is in full swing." He glanced around the room at everyone who was still taking their seats. "Are you a music lover?"

Was he? Or was he in attendance simply because it was the thing to be seen at the event?

"I am, although I cannot claim to be a true connoisseur," I said cautiously. Then I felt and thought I needed to explain further. "What I mean is I will be unable to detect any flaws in the performance. Either I will enjoy a performance or I will not. There will be no specific reason for not liking it; it will simply not be to my taste...."

I lost track of what I was saying as he smiled at me. Why did my mouth have to run away me? He must think I am a madwoman after such a speech!

"Then, we are well-matched," he said with a light laugh. "I, too, will enjoy the music if it is to my taste and not because it is fashionable to do so."

My heart skipped a beat. He thought we were well-matched? Did he mean that? Or was it turn of phrase?

The program began then, and I missed the first bars as I tried to reorganize my thoughts. I was putting too much thought into the matter. He was only being kind.

And that was the most lowering thought I'd ever forced myself to believe.

Though Miss Graham had instructed me to the best of her ability, making up for several incompetent governesses who'd come before her, she hadn't taught me Italian. Thus, the first singer who performed an Italian song failed to hold my attention.

"Is this to your taste, Miss Burnham?" Mr. Landon whispered near my ear.

How had he been able to tell? Though, as a rule, I disliked talking during a play or musical presentation, I said in a low voice, "Perhaps if I understood what was being sung, I would enjoy it more." Was it unfashionable to admit to not knowing the language?

Once again, he chuckled and straightened up to avoid attention. I gave up any hope that I would be able to give an accurate recitation of the music afterward. When the intermission came, he offered to fetch refreshment for Mama and me.

"You might make an effort, Eugenia," Mama said in a low voice. "You will not have many opportunities to have Mr. Landon to yourself. You ought to secure his affection while you have the chance."


"Miss Burnham!" I couldn't have been happier to be interrupted by two young ladies who approached. Miss Ramsey had a wide smile on her face. "I just knew we would find you here. I had no doubt you were as much a lover of music as Philippa and I."

Eugenia (A Lady's Maid Trilogy Novella) Rough DraftWhere stories live. Discover now