R.i.p Vance

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Rest In Piece to poor Vance Hopper it has been 3 or 4 days and bro just never found a charger leaving poor Cara confused and stuck with listening to the drama of the rest of us dummies while Vance may never get her confession and we will never know what happens between the two 😟

Rest In Piece to poor Vance Hopper it has been 3 or 4 days and bro just never found a charger leaving poor Cara confused and stuck with listening to the drama of the rest of us dummies while Vance may never get her confession and we will never kno...

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Robin will never have the chance to continue his free Soap Opera between Vance and Cara because a charger said "Fuck no babyyyyyy" and has poofed from existence.

May we please get a moment of silence...

I'm now gonna go play the Pinball game and make sure he never beats my score😌

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