The disappearance of a Bird and a Fish (part 1)

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(A little summary before we go on! -So Kara with a K is the Grabbers child and Doris is the Grabbers niece sense the Grabber is the brothe of her mother anyway Kara and Griffin burned the school down and everyone somehow avoided the police and are now headed to Robin's place.-)

Griffin knocks on the door of Robin's house and Robin answers seeing Griffin and Vance "hey guys" Robin says and Vance replies with "Hi."

Doris then walks in as Robin closes the door and Robin turns to see her and gives a wtf face "bro how did you get here doris" as this is said Vance makes an annoyed face and mutters "Doris." with venom in his tone (putting disrespect on my name🙄)

"The window." She said while putting her hand in the pocket of he purple jacket "Why u breaking into people houses through windows?" Vance asked "she didn't, the back door is unlock." Robin piped in. "Sooo window or door?" Vance says. "WHY NOT BOTH!" Griffin yells.

Doris soon says "In my family, the front door is never an option. I went through the kitchen window it was open. " Vance facepalms when hearing this.

"what do you mean?? my windows are never open..." Robin mentions now feeling confused.

"I mean, Why you gotta know?" She asked
"Gotta know what?" Robin asked now confused "The way i got through the window is my business." as Doris says this there is soon a knock on the door. Robin sighs and walks to the door and in walks Kara.

"Wassuppppp!!!" Kara says and then Robin turns to Doris "No but seriously, you can't get through the house with my windows..." he says only to see Doris walking in after he finished his sentence. Doris takes a sip outta the wine glass she somehow got while everyone was busy.

"Someone gotta be in my house..." Robin mutters as Kara goes and stands next to Doris and Vance askes "Is this Kara?" and Kara makes a bruh face -😐- "No this is Patrick." Doris shrugs and looks over at Kara as she chugs the rest of the wine without making a face. "MHM WE BURND THE SCHOOL DOWN!" Griffin yelled to answer Vances question.

"GRIFFIN!" Kara yelled, Doris soon spoke up "That's not something to brag about. We almost went to jail. We wouldnt survive that shit hole. " she listed off with an annoyed face.

Vance looks at them confused sense he was skipping school that day. "BUT WE DIDINT" Griffin defended "Would have to lead y'all throughout the underground Railroad to get outta prison...." Doris muttered

"Thank God I wasn't there." Vance says and soon Robin jumped on saying "it would of been your 4th time in jail." and Griffin joins in yelling "YOUR HAIR WOULD CACTCH ON FIRE"

(We keep making 70s hairspray jokes with him💀)

"I am a pure soul" Vance says but once hearing Griffin's comment he says "I would push you into the fire." This causes Doris to snicker at how long it took him to hear that comment. "i'm just gonna lock my back door.." Robin says before walking off as Griffin yells "HOW DARE YOU!"

They soon start arguing.

~With Robin~

Robin was about to lock the door with nobody looking but then somebody grabbed him and disappeared, this left Robin with not enough time to scream.

Griffin in the background: "YOUR SO MEAN!"
Vance on the background: "No, just doing what I gotta do."

Doris soon walks off to go find more drinks.

Kara throws bag of chips to Vance and laughs, Vance catches the bag of chips "why do you throw shit at me?" and Kara replies with "It's fun Vance, Your fun to throw things at." "That's bullying." Vance replies. "Your a bully" Griffin says while just standing there.

"Where's Doris and robin?" Griffin asked while looking around "I don't know, Anyways...." Kara replies "She's probably in the kitchen brb" Griffin soon walks off.

"Who wants to steal stuff from the grab-n-go?" Kara asked but nobody responded

~With Doris~

Doris walks in the kitchen and washes the glass and looks around she starts messing around with random things, and stole a bandana that was hanging around to sell to all the fan girls at school.

"Hmmmnn" She hummed before sitting on the counter and spacing out, she gets up and goes into the fridge after a bit "Hehe something good to drink..." She grabs a bottle and is about to open it before getting shoved to the floor and hitting her head soon being dragged away and a broken glass bottle is left on the floor from her fall leaving blood and the liquid on the floor.

Griffin then walks in a few minutes later "Robin?" Griffin soon looks down "UHHH GUYS THESE GLASS AND BLOOD ON THE FLOOR" when hearing this everyone rushes in "Oh fuck-" Kara says "Uhmm" Vance says.

"Uhhhhhh I'm going to Grab n' Go" Kara says and Vance makes a wtf face and looks at Kara "Seriously?!" "What?" "Your friends are being kidnapped." Vance state's and Griffin yells "WHAT ABOUT DORIS AND ROBIN!?"

"Well we need supplies." Kara replies
"Like?" Vance asks
"Lighter,knife,axe,gasoline" Kara lists off
"MORE FIRE!" Griffin yells "Yes Griffin more fire" Kara says.
"I got a lighter, knife, and Gasoline" Vance states and Griffin makes a face "I'm not going to ask why...... " Vance soon realizes something and says "No fucking fire,why do we need a fire?"

Kara makes a face as if it's obvious "Cause fire is cool, I like arson."

"Kara how old are you?" Vance asks like a dad who's kid is going on their first date. "15 whyyyy?" she whined "You're acting like Griffin, just be careful with the fire." Vance huffed. "Okayyyyy, Let's go to my house to get the axe first."  Griffin then frowns "I don't like your dad..... " Kara looks at him and says "He's at work....hopefully" Vance looks like a confused Bakugou and asks "What's wrong with her dad?" Kara crosses her arms and looks down "You don't wanna know Vance....."
"Ok then..let's go" they leave and walk to Kara's house.

HERE'S THE END OF THR CHAPTER MY LOVES!!! Your getting my chapters from the role play now! Anyway I'll post the second part at another point!

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