Daily Life?

14 2 9

Chapter 7.

💜✨Story Word count: 1061✨💜

Doris leaned against he locker while munching on a sour straw candy as she looks through her walkmen as Billy is jumping around waiting for Griffin next to her.

Soon Jaxon (Kara but new name and such) walks in and sits down "Hey Doris" this causes thr puffy haired girl to look over as the red streaks of her hair dominatly showed. "Hey" is all she said before going back to picking a song to blast in her ears.

As this happens Griffin runs in to the school shouting "BILLY!" this made Billy do a full 180 an yell back "GRIFFIN!" while this happened Doris was schrunching up her eyes after accidently deleting a song so she puts the walkmen away (idk how they work im sorry)

Doris then finishes her candy as she sips from her weird smelling water bottle. Griffin looks over with his infamous gummy smile "Hi Doris!" this allows the female to give a small smile and reply with "Hey Griff"

Jaxon smiles and yells "GRIFFIN!" causing the boy to look over "HI JAXON!" he said while hugging Billy

Soon Vance popped up outta nowhere casually asking "Yall want drugs?"

This caused the group to reply with a "Yes" from Billy, a "Sure" from Jaxon, and a "No-" from Doris.

Billy soon lets go od Griffin and hops around as Vance passes weed and cocaine to everyone who wanted some.

"Are drugs good?" Griffin questioned while the others were in taking the subdtances Doris looks over "What the fuck.....no they are not Griffin" the femle might be one to drink but drugs were never her cup of tea. Hell she barely drunk amd the only drugs she ever taken into her system were weed brownies only because of some rough patches at home and barely seeing her brother, her only company in that lonely old house.

(Shiii putting in depth😘)

"They will mess you up bad, trust me" The girl said as Billy amd Jaxon rolled joints to smoke "What's that?" Griffin says as he points at the joint.

The three teens replied with" The Good Stuff" and then Billy also said using his brotherly tone "Dont be like me Griffin" his eyes were full of seriousness

"Can I try it?" Griffin asked making Billy go silent and reply with a simple yet firm "No"

"Im not gonna let you do drugs" he said as Griffin frowned not fully understanding at his age. Doris looks at them with a sigh and sips her drink again before walking off as Vance snorted something else.

As the others didn't notice the females disappearance Billy continued on "Im not gonna let you become a druggie like me. " This causes Jaxon to gasp "Are you saying druggies aren't cool?!" while Griffin picks up white powder

"This looks like sugar" this makes Billy's eyes widen fast before he snatched it away yet he was to late as Griffin shoved the powder into his mouth.

After a long silence Jaxon blirts out an "Oh shit" as Vance narrowed his eyes "You dumb as-" but he didn't get finish as Griffin passed out and Billy lets out a sigh picking the boy up.

"Let's go" he says and walks away

Before anyone came here Doris wa sitting on the bleachers and silently reads her physical book for PE "What in the Bill Nye am I reading?....." the girl mumbled

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