Normal Day and new info

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Doris silently walked around and said to herself "They finally rebuilt this place." while going to be locker remembering when Kara and Griffin burnt the school down (we'll get a flashback of that later)

Griffin runs up to doris "HI HI HIIII" Doris turns with a knowing smile "Hey" Griffin then said "How are youuuuuu" while rocking back and forth on his heels "I'm normal, how about you?" and soon Griffin replied with "I got harassed by a phone yesterday night" this caused Doris to look up from her book and make a face at this.

Doris then looks at a certain locker before saying "Hey Griffin,do you know anything about someone named Finney?" "Mhm yeah" Griffin replied "Do you know if he is free or not?" She asked knowing Griffin wouldn't understand what she is asking that well to avoid teasing "I think he's with Donna" Griffin replied uncertain.

"Who is Donna?" she asked confused sense she never took the time to get to know many people at school but then she realise she might as well ask someone who she knows is around Blake kid the most "I'll just go ask Robin" she closes her book and walks off to find the short bandana wearing bird.

"Oh she's- ok" Griffin yells the last part to doris.

Robin was eating Hot Cheetos and Doris walks behind Robin and then yells "ARELLANO!!!" this causes Robin to turn and spill his hot cheetos on Doris but she pulls a umbrella outta nowhere and puts it in the way of the messy chips "WHAT THE FUCK" Robin yelled "I have a question, Your friends with Finney right?" she asked ignoring the fact he practically yelled in her face.

"duhh, he's my best friend" he said stating the obvious "Ok well do you know of he is free or not?" She asked "For what?" Doris put her umbrella away as she says this "Like is he single or not...." she mumbles. Robin makes a oh face and says "yeah he is but, bro don't tell anyone this but he is so lovely dovely when it comes to Donna." Doris looks a lot more confused "I still don't know who Donna is..." "she's one of the brightest/smartest students in the school" Robin replies as Griffin runs up to them "Doesn't Donna have a crush on Finney?" he asked while Doris mumbled while huffing "I mean I can be smart to...."

Hearing this caused the gears in Griffin's head to turn and he said "Ooooo you have a crush on Finneyyyyyy" and Robin joins in "No way she does!" This caused Doris' eyes to widen "Shhhhhh! Omg can y'all keep it down!!!" she huffed "Butttttt I can be extremely smart if that's what it takes." Griffin gave a blank face "Your a simp. "

Doris gave him the same face and said "Your a Casper obsessed w- I'm not gonna continue your still young Ima keep that to myself." and this caused Griffin to angrily yell out "HEY!" while Doris rested her glasses on her hair sense she got her hair outta an afro and into a puffy a straight hairstyle (I love this style for Doris' hair cus it just fits so well to me)

"Dorisssssss" Griffin said as he dragged out the s of her name "Hm?" Doris hummed "Hi" Griffin said and Doris just blinked in silence.

Finney walks over to the group "Hey guys whats up" Griffin looks over "Hi!" Doris just blinks and looks up before freezing and then thinking that those are som nice lockers and remembering how the author wishes she had lockers cause her messenger bag is heavy as hell-

"Doris are you okay?" Finney asked and Griffin soon said "Did you know that Doris-" the usually loud female slams a hand over Griffins mouth while replying "It's peachy over here!" Griffin licks Doris' hand as Finney looks confused at Griffin and Doris.

Doris gags and moves her hand away and uses Robin's arm as a towel. This causes Finney to snicker lightly at the two and Griffin takes the chance to yell "Doris has the hots for you!!!!!!!" before running away as Doris screams No and chases him.
(How the hell is she always running in heels)

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