Stalker Behavior and Mind Games

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(The photo at the top is a picture made by my friends friend and I really liked it and it was for my character in their fanfic so I saved the photo! Anyway this chapter is gonna be short and I'm writing it without discord sense the scene I'm basing it on would be extremely way to short!)

Doris danced around her livingroom extremely happy sense she learned this morning that she made it on the cheer team but as the bubbly female was dancing there seemed to be someone peaking through her window.....

Outside the window was a boy with curly brunette hair, a jean jacket, a white and blue shirt, and jeans. He stared at the black Rapunzel haired female dance with a kind of far off look.

Soon Robin appeared in the backyard where the boy was standing and hurriedly pulled him out yelling at him in Spanish yet little did the two know Doris caught a small glimpse of them as she silently and slowly closed her curtains but not before catching the boys eye.

She seen this as weird but left it alone for now as she went to go make lunch for her father and brother as well as her mother who would be home for a day or two before her next business trip that will be in Canada next.

Doris couldn't shake off what she seen and just decided it was best to shower and such early and head to bed.

She was excited to sleep early sense it will be the weekend the next day but she still couldn't let what happened earlier go. Was that Finney and Robin she spotted but better yet wouldn't Finney be with Donna especially after she heard the two are practically dating...

Doris couldn't tell if she was being played and lead on or if Finney was just being a friend but one this she did know is she didn't wanna another heartbreak especially after realizing Billy, her first ever crush wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. Nor did it help she had a friend with the same exact name as Billy who ended up dying to the hands of her own uncle..

While thinking of this all Doris slipped her hair into two braids and then a bonnet before laying in her soft bed and drifting off.

Word count: 394

Hello everyone! Here is your 3rd update and I hope you all are enjoying this so far!

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