Child's Play

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Child's Play

One day at the Community Center, Virgil and Ruby were in Robert's office as Virgil was asking Robert for some money. Ruby stood next to Virgil and Robert with her arms crossed. While she had a frown on her face as she looked at Virgil.

"Come on, pops, just a few bills. It's for food." Virgil begged.

"You mean, junk food. Right?" Ruby said.

"Besides, I'm low on cash myself till I can get to an ATM." Robert explained.

"How about I go to the ATM for you? All you gotta do is give me your card and your pin number." Virgil said.

"Virgil! You need to learn that you can't always depend on Uncle Robert for money. You have to understand that he's running low on money too." Ruby explained with an angry expression.

"Your cousin has a point, Virgil. You need to start becoming understanding with other people." Robert said.

Then, they started hearing someone yelling outside.

"What in the world?" Robert wondered as he walked outside.

He walked toward the fountain as the water was red instead of blue. Virgil and Ruby ran outside to see what was going on.

"What did you do to my fountain?" Robert asked as he pointed his finger at a man who was standing on the fountain.

"It wasn't my hands that did this, brother. It was no human hand at all." The man explained.

"Don't give me that." Robert said angrily.

Virgil and Ruby scooped up the red water with their hands. They sniffed it and licked the red water on their hands.

"Cherry soda." Virgil and Ruby said.

"Say what?" The man asked.

"This red water is actually cherry soda." Ruby explained.

A lot of kids ran toward the fountain and started drinking the cherry soda.

"Man, what you got against me?" The man asked.

"Who spiked the fountain?" Virgil asked.

"Beats me. It was working fine an hour ago." Robert said as the man scooped some cherry soda and burped.

"Hmm, there's got to be an explanation for this." Ruby wondered with her hand on her chin.

At Dakota Union High, Ruby was walking down the hall with Allie and Frieda as she explained what happened to the fountain at the Community Center.

"Cherry soda?" Allie asked.

"Yeah, it was the strangest thing I've ever seen. Must've been a joke or something." Ruby guessed.

"Maybe it's more than that." Frieda said.

"What do you mean Frieda?" Allie asked.

"Did you guys hear what happened at the Fenton Projects the other day when it was snowing?" Frieda asked.

"Not really, but it sounds weird that it was snowing when it's not even winter." Allie said.

"Well, what's weirder is that it wasn't snow. It was actually vanilla ice cream." Frieda explained.

"What? And you never told me? Frieda, you know how much I love ice cream." Ruby said with a hint of anger.

"Sorry." Frieda said.

"Wait. Was it Ice-Screamer who did that?" Allie asked.

"No, Ice-Screamer wasn't even at Fenton Projects." Frieda said.

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