drowning in my own ocean

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Giyuu kicks his front door open, his grip tight around the keys that rest in his hand. Today was his last straw. Life pulls its obnoxious pranks one after the other without a shit given. A series of unfortunate events started with the downfall of rain that took over the day. Giyuu hates driving in the rain, so he's already arriving at work annoyed.

Though it didn't stop there. When Giyuu clocked in, he got on with his usual duties. Like cleaning, serving customers, making coffees and preparing for refills when the treats got low. It went smoothly for ten minutes until another series of life's pranks occurred. He dropped a hot coffee down his uniform, and when he went to grab a cloth, he knocked into his colleague and made her spill a different hot beverage on him. She apologised immediately, and he accepted with a plastered smile. Though, it didn't change the fact he had two servings of hot drinks down his front.

Break arrived a few hours after. Giyuu headed to the break room, as usual, and sat in a chair to enjoy his twenty minutes of peace. He took the time to compel himself for when he had to return to the noises-ridden cafe. But, his composure was instantly knocked when he realised that his bottle was open enough for the water to spill into his bag. His wallet was soaked, and his phone was refusing to turn on. The hoodie he shoved in there earlier was ruined, and he didn't even consider an attempt at seeing if his headphones worked.

He dropped his bag on the floor, emptied the wet contents and threw it in the bin. Grabbed a plastic bag from the storeroom, walked to his car and tossed his stuff into the back seats. If he looked at the mess any longer, he would scream.

He took a deep breath before he locked his car and returned to continue his shift. The rest of the day would've gone by without a head-in-the-water moment if Giyuu knew how to stay afloat. Waves took him under and kept him there until he was about to lose his breath. It released him to the surface seconds before suffocation and allowed him to catch a breath before taking him under again.

It was a ruthless cycle throughout work though it didn't stop when he finished.

After he clocked out, his manager pulled him aside for potential overtime shifts. When Giyuu refused to work on his days off, his manager went and complained to him about his lack of commitment to the job. Giyuu mistakenly rolled his eyes and got himself another ear off about his attitude recently. When the managed finished his complaints, Giyuu smiled sarcastically and told him he'd work the hours contracted. Before his manager could protest, Giyuu left.

Arrived at his car for the remainder of the events during his break sitting in the back. Giyuu took another deep breath before putting himself onto the road. His level of road rage has increased an abnormal amount recently. Fortunately, his drive home was safe, and he arrived home within the usual ten minutes.

Though life wasn't done laughing at him. He dropped his keys multiple times before reaching his front door and proceeded to drop them another time while trying to unlock his door. Which lead him to his current position of kicking the door open and dropping his bags to the floor.

Now, Giyuu stands in his hallway. He doesn't move from the door, unsure if life has finished playing its tricks. When nothing happens for a few seconds, Giyuu kicks his shoes off and walks to his kitchen. He drops his keys onto the counter, hitting his hip on the corner. Giyuu hisses at the pain, clenching his jaw while dragging a hand down his face. Life still likes to test his patience.

With an aggressive shove, he pushes himself away from the counter. He walks to his bedroom with the bag of his soaking belongings and dumps the contents onto the floor. His phone is the first thing he picks up, holding the power button, hoping it'll turn on. After a few minutes of swearing, Giyuu manages to get the phone working. It flickers, and his familiar lock screen appears. "Thank god," He mumbles, happy that he doesn't need to pay for a repair or a new phone.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞, 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now