colours in the sky

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Today is the final day of the worst year Sanemi and Giyuu have had to live. They've spent the past few days looking after and talking to each other. It's been one hell of a ride, and to think it may never be over knocks Giyuu's mood. He wishes to live a happy life with Sanemi. Sharing a house, they call home and watch the rain fall. It's all Giyuu wants. Besides his book getting published.

He doesn't care for much else, including himself. It's something Sanemi hasn't been able to change, and Giyuu will never put that pressure on him. Giyuu knows he will have his moments for the rest of his life, and how they're living now isn't the worst. The few breakdowns and occasional nightmares rock the boat, and sometimes one of them falls into the water. But the other is always there, ready to pull them out.

Giyuu still struggles to swim, but Sanemi will always hold his hand.

Sanemi still gets lost in the darkness, but Giyuu will shine a light to guide him.

It's a system the two have, and neither is sure if it is healthy, but it's working for now. Both wish to live a happier life by each other's side. And they know that time will come.

Sanemi opens his eyes to the sound of Kyojuro's snoring. It's gotten abnormally loud recently, and Sanemi is starting to feel bad for Shinobu. The two have been staying over a lot, and although Sanemi doesn't mind, he wishes he could have the place to himself and Giyuu for a night. He misses hearing Giyuu during their nights full of love.

The sun decorates the bedroom with white strips of warmth, the blinds slightly parting as a draft blows through the apartment. Despite it being the end of December, Sanemi still finds comfort the same as a summer breeze when he sees the morning lines. It brings him reassurance that a new day has gone by with Giyuu alive by his side.

Giyuu shifts beside him, half of his face hidden in the pillow as he turns to face Sanemi. His cheek is mushed against the fabric, the pressure pushing his lips into a subtle pout. Long and dark lashes tickle his cheeks, his hair now free from Shinobu's braid and falling loosely on the pillow below him. He looks breathtaking.

Sanemi admires Giyuu for a few minutes. Wanting to take in his beauty before the distraction of ocean eyes appears. Giyuu's skin is light in colour, a pale white. You can tell he doesn't thrive in the summer. There are details on his cheek, subtle freckles peaking through that Sanemi hopes show their full potential in the warmer months. His eyebrows are thin and dark, like perfectly placed lines on his face. Sanemi smiles, brushing his fingertips along Giyuu's cheek. He's so beautiful.

The movement wakes Giyuu up, his lashes lifting off his skin and revealing the eyes Sanemi adores. It makes him smile, knowing that this is what he can wake up to every day.

Giyuu focuses his eyes on the man in front of him, sleep still threatening to take over as he shifts. "What?" He groans, a rasp to his voice.

"Morning," Sanemi smiles, brushing a few hairs from Giyuu's face.

"Morning," Giyuu responds, stretching his arms out before shuffling to snuggle against Sanemi. Fuck, he's so adorable.

"How are you feeling?" Sanemi has asked this question every morning since the incident in the bathroom. Fearing he'll miss a detail. He trusts Giyuu to tell him if something isn't right, and so far, things haven't been too bad. Giyuu has his moments. Where all he wants is a quiet company and someone to hug. And Sanemi is there every single time.

It's the same for Sanemi. He still gets nightmares and suffers from flashbacks. And Giyuu holds him close every time. He'll hug him and reassure him that he is safe. It's a terrifying experience for Sanemi, and Giyuu has been the only one to fully understand what Sanemi needs after an episode.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞, 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now