you're my home

902 33 47

- suicide attempt


The ocean is something no one truly understands. Its deep waters hide secrets from those who walk the earth in fear that the discovery will corrupt the world. They're hidden because they're dangerous. Creatures without hearts, voids with a way in but no way out and secrets that only the sea should know. It's like the water wants to protect us.

So why is the ocean that attempts to drown those who go too deep?

Is it keeping the secrets hidden on purpose? Is their discovery something humans will use and ruin like everything else they've broken? The ocean acts like it is protecting something beyond the blue of its interior, killing anyone that gets too close.

Giyuu delved too deep into the hues. He fell too far down, and now the ocean is panicking that he'll discover the secrets it's been hiding for so long. It took its contents and wrapped it around Giyuu's ankles, and when he tried to swim away, the water would pull him further down. Giyuu can't escape. What if he knows what the depths of the ocean hold?

But now, Giyuu doesn't care.

He leans toward the water, smiling at Sanemi before closing his eyes and letting his body fall. The dangers in the river approach quickly, his hair dancing in the wind as he lets his body go limp. Giyuu doesn't care for the secrets the water holds. All he wants is for the ocean to panic and kill him.

Giyuu opens his eyes, looking up with a blurry vision. He can still see the bridge, watching it grow further away. His hands are in front of him, the force of the wind holding them in place as he falls. Moments. Seconds before a freezing pain hits his back, Giyuu catches a glimpse of a figure leaning over the railing. He watches the blur panic, its hands pulling at its hair before he hears muffled screams.

Giyuu wanted to stare at the figure a little longer, wondering what it'll do after witnessing his fall. But a sudden coldness hits his back, knocking his breath out of his lungs and leaving nothing left for him to breathe.

The water around him sounds magical. Bubbles escape his open mouth as he watches the surface slowly drift away. His hands continue to lie in front of him, the blurry vision catching glimpses of something falling toward him before his sight goes completely black, and he can no longer breathe.

Sanemi sprints toward Giyuu, his handing reaching out, hoping it'll grab him before the water does. But it's too late. Giyuu flashes him one final smile before letting go of everything he's been holding onto for dear life. He allows his body to fall, watching everything he's loved disappear into memories that he won't be able to revisit anymore.

"GIYUU, NO!" Sanemi's voice breaks, his eyes welling with tears as his feet pick up the pace. He slips into the curb, scraping his knee when he hits the concrete. A pain infiltrates his skin, burning sensations taking over as the rain soaks into the fresh wound. And when Sanemi looked up from his position on the ground, Giyuu was gone.

The world around him freezes. The feeling of the rain to a fresh wound is no longer there, and the breaths Sanemi needs vanish into thin air. He claws at his hair, pulling strands out as he attempts to inhale. But the panic in his body wont let him. He's suffocating.

A broken scream leaves his mouth, the lack of oxygen evident in the harsh noise. He manages to push himself forward, forcing his legs to stand and bring him to the rails. The metal is cold. Freezing to the touch as the mixture of wind and rain takes over their city. He clamps his hands down onto the bars, leaning over to see Giyuu hit the water.


Sanemi shouts again. He screams and cries, panic overwhelming his mind as he tries to figure out what to do. The water is taking him away. It's stealing him and killing him. How does Sanemi go against a tide so strong when his legs can barely hold his weight in the rain. He feels sick, panicked and suffocated. Looking around for anything to tell him what to do.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞, 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now