The Jokes on you

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It was night in Gotham City with the rain pouring and the sound of sirens whaling through out the city. People were running and screaming as tons of Jokers goons ran rampant throughout the streets.

The GCPD had spread out across all of Gotham creating barricades trying to contain all the madness. "Keep firing" an officer shouted as they were locked in a shootout. "Contact Commissioner Gordon, tell him we need back up now."

"Commissioner Gordon, we need back up stat. We're being overwhelmed here, I'm not sure how long we can hold these goons off."

"I read you officer, now tell me your name.

"Officer Harry sir."

"Okay Harry I want you to listen to me. I know it's like hell out there but we are GCPD. We are Gothams first and last line of defense against the evils of this city. Now we all have family and friends who are counting on us to get their homes back. You have someone special in your life son."

"I have have my girl Tracy who's waiting for me. She's a golden retriever."

Gordon surprised by this pauses and then continues to say "That's good Harry. Now you think about Tracy and you fight so you can get Tracy home. I promise I got backup on the way."

"Yes sir."

"He named his dog Tracy. Oh boy. Batman where are you" Gordon says looking at the bat signal. It had already been an hour and he was still a no show. Then a loud roar came down the road as the back up had arrived in a sleek black car.

"Well it's about damn time." The car came to a stop right at the GCPD building. Gordon looked down, but he didn't see Batman exit the vehicle. "What the?"

*Distorted* "Commissioner Gordon."

"Batman! I've been shining the light for a whole hour what have you been doing."

"I been tracking down the Joker, I almost have his location. This is the moment I have been waiting for Commissioner Gordon and I can't afford to mess this up."

"Are you really prepared to kill the Joker."

"I have too, it has to end today."

"Well there is a lot that's going on down there, so if your gonna kill Joker I suggest... Why I am not surprised?"

Batman drives off at super speeds in his Dodge SRT Tomahawk X VGT down the road as he makes a call to the batcave. "Bruce, have you located the Joker."

"I have, sending the coordinates to you now."

"Ace Chemicals how fitting of him."

"Master do be careful in case this fight doesn't go the way you planned."

"Don't worry Bruce, it will."

Once Batman arrived he drifted his car right to the side of the building and ejected himself to the top floor of the building and smashed through the window. He looked around till the Joker made himself seen. "Joker."

"Welcome Batman, I thought you and I would have our little stand off at the very place that gave birth to me, and soon will be the end of you."

Batman runs towards the Joker and the two begin to spar it out. The Joker pulls a knife and slashes as Batman. Batman easily counters and throws a punch in when he can. Batman grows tired of the charade and knocks the knife out of Jokers hand and starts throwing combos at him. Despite this the Joker catches a fist and punches him in the face sending him back to the floor. He immediately goes to attack, but is shot with a bullet grazing his cheek.

"Harley, desided to join in on the fun I see."

She was in usual her red and black gear with a red jacket, black shorts, red and blue dyed hair and had a assault rifle strapped around her.

"It's over Mr.J."

"Why so formal?What, no puddin?"

"It's over between you and me as if you even liked the nickname. It's time you go down once and for all. Get up Batman, you and I take him."

"On the contrary, it's the two of you who's going down."

Joker pulls out a gun from behind his sleeves. He fires a couple of rounds as Batman and Harley duck. She fires back till there is silence and the Joker is gone. They search for him till Harley accidentally trips a wire. The wire connected to a little contraption the Joker made which knocked over some flamable chemicals which caught on fire by a lighter the Joker left behind causing an explosion. Batman and Harley were knocked to their feet when Joker reappeared.

Batman stood there looking at him. He was just laughing hysterically at me. "Hahaaaaaah." The the building was collapsing from the burning fire.

"Batman, help me please."

It was Harley stuck under a pile of debri that had fallen from the burning building. "What's it going to be Batman? Stop me or save Harley, but you can't do both. He knew he had to save Harley, but the Joker was right there if he could just knock him out.

Batman lunged for the Joker, but at the very instant a portal appeared and sucked him and Joker in. They fell through the portal very blue in color. They felt weightless as Joker tried to shoot at Batman. They finally appear on the other side falling in the air as Batman dove after Joker, but buildings were in his way. He had no choice but to glide as the Joker fell into darkness. Batman crashed on the top of a building and used the fins on his arm gauntlet to stop his fall. He looked up towards the sky as a blue smoke trail was left behind after what seemed to be a massive explosion. The building was smoldering in blue smoke as a bright golden light illuminated through it before fading away.

Batman looked around but didn't recognize his surroundings. He tried to communicate with Bruce back at the bat cave. "Bruce do you read me. Bruce!" All he got was static over his wrist communicator. "I'll try contacting the League to help me." He grabs his teleportation watch only to see it had been busted, most likely from his fall. Batman realized not only was he in a city he didn't recognize, he was on a completely different Earth. He was trapped with no way home and the Joker was on the loose.

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