The Batman

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The group bring Batman to Jinx's tea party as he searches for clues using his crime reconstruction tech. He kept rewinding and playing everything Jinx said during this time.

"Never thought we be back here so soon" Caitlyn says.

"Yeah well, obviously or unfortunately everything keeps bringing us back for some reason" Vi says.

"Are we still sisters? Make her go away and you can have Powder back. He didn't create Jinx, you did. Be what they fear Jinx. I've changed, you changed. Here's to the new us. Are we still sisters?" Batman kept rewinding and forwarding through the replay specifically listening to Jinx's statements.

"What is it your trying to find" Vi asks annoyed by his constant replay.

"What I'm looking for are key words. Words that can give me insite into her mind as well as what led us all here."

"Hey, why do you dress like a bat. I'm just saying your costume doesn't exactly look friendly" Vi says.

"It's not supposed to be. It's to scare criminals and keep them off the streets."

Vi looked at Batman as he costume was all black. His mask covered his entire face, zero openings. The beggiest thing that caught Vi's eye was the big red bat on his chest and his red eyes with slits on the bottom looking like red tears.

"Who are you really? Why did you become Batman and why make yourself look like that" Vi says pestering Batman.

"I don't just reveal my secret identity, especially to anyone I don't know. Secondly why I became Batman and my choice in it's design means talking about my past. I don't talk about my past, to anyone."

"Okay sensitive subject than. What have you got on Powder?"

"Is that her real name?"

"Yes, it has always been her name."

"Not from I got from this projection. Listening to her dialogue it sounds like you are the source of her problems. This whole Jinx persona is a byproduct of something you did in the past as eluded to by her speech. My guess is that whatever you did happened right here given this is the place she decided to talk about your past."

The sound of glass catches everones attention as they look up to the ceiling. Vi stares at their surroundings as she begins to breath heavily as she starts reliving the moment. The explosions, the falling rubble, how she was pinned under it crying, Vander saving her, how she told Powder "Milo is right, your just a Jinx." She starts to have a panic attack as Caitlyn and Ekko stand by her as they try to calm her down.

Batman watches this unfold as he says "So I'm right then. Given your reaction I say I'm right then. You did do something, and now your sister became Jinx. Mind telling me what you just relived."

Vi looks up at Batman with a cross face.

"Have you no sympathy. She just suffered from a panic attack and you want her to tell you what she just relived" Caitlyn says furiously.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want her to do."

"Maybe I don't want to talk about it. Like you said, maybe I don't want to talk about my past."

They all look at Batman with crossed faces as he looks back undeterred. He huffs in frustration due to their silence. "Fine you want to know what happened to me. The Joker is what happend. He took someone very special to me away and I will never see her agian. Not only that he killed nearly a thousand people in one night. I became batman so I could make him pay. If you don't start talking and give me information he's going to do the same thing here. I haven't been one for emotion since that day, so I'm sorry if I not showing a great amount of concern."

Batman The Arcane Knight Where stories live. Discover now