War: Saving Jinx

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Jayce confronts Sevika as he asks "Where is Jinx?"

"She's gone right now. I'm currently in charge so anything you want to say to her you can say to me" Sevika says.

Jayce sighs as he says "I will give you two options. Depending on which you pick will determine the outcome."

"I'm listening" Sevika says.

"First you give up this fight and give me Jinx for her crimes against Piltover. Second, if you don't or try to attack us in any way then you leave me no choice, but to declare war. So what will you choose" Jayce asks. Sevika smiles as a blade from her metal arm extends.

Back at Piltover Batman, Vi, Caitlyn and Ekko tried to reason with the enforcers.

"You must let us go, we can stop this conflict between us" Vi says.

"Innocent lives will be caught in the crossfire. Think about all the women and children" Caitlyn please.

"Trust me, you have no idea what your dealing with" Ekko says.

"We know exactly wat were dealing with" Enforcer 2 says.

"That's why Council member Jayce upgraded our gear with Hextech to compete with your underground city of shimmer" Enforcer 4 says.

"Well can you please let us help her. She's been shot and really needs medical attention" Batman says.

"Why should we. She's committed treason against us enforcers and tried to kill the council. She deserves to die" Enforcer 3 says.

"Well you should because if you let her die everyone here in Piltover will blame you for not getting the justice they deserve. Think about how that will make you all look. Think of the consequences for you and your families. You wouldn't want to do something to effect your family" Batman says.

The Enforcers think for a moment as they contemplate what they just heard. Vi looks at Batman as he nods knowing he just increased their chances. After a minute the lead Enforcer puts up his weapon as do the others.

"Alright, we let you go, but promise us this. You help Jinx get better and you stop this War between Zaun and Piltover because if you don't we'll find you" Enforcer 1 says.

"We won't let you down" Batman says. He picks up Jinx as he runs to Zaun with Vi, Caitlyn, and Ekko. The Enforcers watch as the five of them run off.

They run over the bridge to see no Enforcers or Jayce. They continue to run until they see bodies on the ground. Enforcers were down on the ground as well as goons from both Jinx and Joker factions.

"No no no no. He said he wait, he said he would wait" Vi shouts. Caitlyn puts a arm on Vi's shoulder as Vi grabs her hand. While they were stopped Batman searches his utility belt for some bandages. He finds a roll and raps it around Jinx's wound on her right abdomen. Jinx shutters at the pain as the bandage tightens around her waist.

"Don't worry. This help to apply pressure to the wound. You should stop bleeding soon" Batman says.

Jinx looks with sorrowful eyes as she looks at Batman and Ekko. Ekko grabs Jinx's hand as he tells her "Powder, I want you to know that I'm here for you. Don't worry about anything because I will take care of you."

Jinx gives a brief smile as she says "Thank you, but you just got lucky on the bridge. Though I like to say I'm sorry for what happened. Can you forgive me?"

"Yes, of course I can. I forgive you Powder" Ekko says as he tightens his grip. Vi walks over happy to see her sister doing better.

"Hi Vi" Jinx says softly.

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