End Credit League of Legins

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After Batman and Powder leave Godspeed faces Vi, Caitlyn and Ekko and the rest of the League. "Let's head back to Earth 10272009 and get things sorted out" Godspeed says. The entire league and some clone troopers stood ready as a portal opened. Vi stood waiting as she remembered what she was told just a week ago.

1 Week Ago

"So who are you guys and what is all this" Vi asks Earth 2 at the main command center.

"We are the League of Legins, a multiversal team made up of our selves, Nigel Hampton. Well almost most of us."

"Why, are you all different" Vi asks.

"How are you guys different if your supposed to be the same person" Ekko says.

"Well we are the same person, but we all differ from one another with our unique talents. That allows us all to bring something to the table" Earth 2 says.

"Why did you all create this team" Caitlyn asks.

"Well we created it due to a threat that came from Earth 1. Two super powered scientists combined their abilities to create chaos on numerous worlds. When they were taken down I decided it to be best to create a team that focuses on keeping multiverse threats contained. Hence here we are traveling to different Earths one at a time. Our end goal, bring peace to every world in the multiverse."

"That sounds like a lot of work" Vi says.

"It is, which is why it sounds impossible given there could be an infinite number of Earth's out there, but you just can't know if you don't try. That's why we plan to expand our team beyond just ourselves very soon. We're already recruiting for this bigger team, so here are some watches for you guys."

Earth 2 tosses some multiverse watches to Vi, Caitlyn and Ekko as they all catch them in the palm of their hands.

"They're not active right now, but they will be when this larger team is ready" Earth 2 says.

Vi, Caitlyn, and Ekko look at their multiverse watches as they put them on.

"How many worlds have you helped before ours" Ekko asks.

"Hard to say, as far as our databank says we've helped at least 50 already, but we're always discovering new ones everyday. Right now our focus is on your world" Earth 2 says.

Back in the present everyone was following Godspeeds lead.

"Okay everyone, lets pay the council a visit" GS says.

The entire league walks through a portal right in front of the council members waiting by their tower now in peices. Clone troopers had them surrounded as all the league members pulled up.

Godspeed steps forward and says "Members of the Piltover council, I am Godspeed and behind me is my team the League of Legins. It has come to our attention that tension has turned into conflict between you and the city of Zaun. Zaun though seems to have solid reasoning for it's actions as they are living in horrible conditions while you all with you money have done nothing to help."

Jayce steps forward and saying "They attacked us first. We would've died if not for Mels power awakening. We planned to help, but they forced our hand. We had to act before it was to late."

Vi mad says "You said you give us to the end of the day to bring Jinx to you. You promised and yet you went against your word. All of Zaun is not to blame, it was Silco. Had you done something sooner we wouldn't be in this mess."

"Hey, calm down" Godspeed says. "As of now the culprits that caused this mess have been taken care of. Now as leader of the League of Legins it is our mission to being peace to every world. Yours is our next priority so I suggest you all stand down and let us take care of matters. This does go beyond the likes of Zaun and Piltover. We will venture out to the rest of your world and make sure all threats are taken care of. Once we're finished we'll leave, but if we have to comeback we will. Starting now the council is under new management."

"You can't do this. We have not consented to anything you just said. We can't strip us of our lively hoid" Jayce says.

"Actually we can. You can continue your lives as normal. Just don't interfere with our work. You Piltovans believe in progress don't you. Well consider this progress to a era of peace to world. If you have a problem your more than welcome to try and stop us, but know you're unlikely to succeed" Godspeed says walking away.

Mel was standing by as she says "Jayce, don't. We're clearly out of our league and outnumbered. They are fighting for the better good. If they have a chance to being peace then shouldn't we let them try."

Viktor was also there as he says "I agree. We should let them work and do there thing my friend."

Jayce calms down as he looks to GS walking away as the other league members stand before him.

"If you done this before, what's your success rate" Jayce asks.

"100%, 50 plus worlds and counting" Godspeed says.

He continues to walk as the league follows him. Red pulls up beside GS and asks "Are you sure we can do this?"

"What makes you ask" GS says.

"Just that we encountered a wolf who spoke. He must have been human prior and someone experimented on him. Also this Hextech, progress day. All I'm saying is this world might have evils we're not ready for."

"Well whatever challenges come our way, we'll be ready. I won't let anything stand in our way" Godspeed assures Red.

Vi looks to Red and asks "Can he do this. He seems too confident."

"Trust me, after what he's been through, nothing will stop him from achieving his goal. I have faith in him, and don't worry. We'll bring peace to this world and hopefully Powder can comeback" Red says to Vi.

Vi smiles as they begin their mission to bring peace to the world of Legends.

(Batman will Return)
(League of Legins will Return)

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