Finding Ekko

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Vi and Caitlyn look all across Zuan looking for Jinx. While they do they head in the direction of Ekkos hideout so he can fix Vi's left hextech glove.

"Where do you think she could be" Caitlyn asks.

"I dont know, but we need Ekko to fix this glove for me" Vi says.

They arrive at the firelights hideout as they see that the place was bordered up. One firelight walks up to them as Vi aks "Where's Ekko?"

"He stepped out for a second, but he shouldn't be gone long."

"We don't have time to wait for him, we need him to fix these gloves."

Vi frustrated looks to Caitlyn as Caitlyn tries to comfort her. Amongst the firelights Heimerdinger sees the girls and heard their problem. Just as Vi and Caitlyn begin to leave Heimerdinger says "Wait, I believe I can be of assistance."

"Heimerdinger of the council, what are you doing here" Caitlyn asks.

"Just Heimerdinger, I was kicked off the council. I believe you have a issue with the Hextech gloves."

"Yes, can you fix it" Vi asks.

"Of course, shouldn't be long looks like it's just a wiring issue is all no major damage."

"Who kicked you off the Council" Caitlyn asks.

"They all did, but it's all in the past especially for me. Now let's fix these gloves for you."

Heimerdinger got right to work and with his small hands he was able to fix the wiring and get everything back in place and working. Vi noticed one of the firelights board being worked on the workstation. "What's that?"

"Oh it's nothing. Its just a new idea that me and the young Ekko are working on. A new flight board."

"Where is he" Vi asks.

"He went out looking for new parts, but also to see if he could help the two of you."

"We have to find him. Let's go Cupcake."

"Be safe Mr. Heimerdinger" Caitlyn says as she runs out.

"Take care girls you'll need it."

The two run through Zaun as they look for Ekko. They look from top to bottom, round alley ways, inside any place they could sneak in, but no Ekko. As they looked through the streets all they could see were the many people of Zaun walking. They finally stop running as Caitlyn says "I think we need to catch our breath."

"Good idea" Vi says in response. As they rest they overhear a group of people talking. Vi leans against a wall as she peeps around the corner.

"I heard some of Silcos men are working for Jinx."

"Well I heard that they're all gathering shimmer and plan to use it to fight Piltover."

"Rumor has it there's some kind of bat creature taking them all down."

"Yeah, yeah. They say he's fast and merciless. Say he even has fangs and claws."

"Well let's just hope he doesn't show up around here."

Vi turns around and leans against the building wall. "What were they talking about" Caitlyn asks curiously.

"Something about a bat attacking Silcos goons. Well Jinx's goons, you know what I mean."

"That couldn't be Ekko" Caitlyn states.

"No, that doesn't seem to be quite his style to look like a bat."

"Vi, Caitlyn" a voice says. They both turn around to see Ekko standing behind them.

"Ekko" Vi says with excitement as she hugs Ekko.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We came looking for you so you could fix my glove then we were going to look for Powder. Why are you out here?"

"I was gathering some parts for a new board idea me and Heimerdinger came up with. I was also going to head over to Piltover to help you guys."

"Great we can use your help. We need to find Powder and find her fast before it's too late" Vi says.

"News Flash Vi, Powder is gone. How many times do I have to say that now, she is Jinx."

"Your wrong Ekko, Powder is still inside of her somewhere if I can just reach her. You use to be good friends with her as young kids. Beside I think its adorable that you had a crush on her.

"Whoa, I never said that!"

"I know you didn't, I saw it in your eyes."

"Unbelievable" Ekko says nodding his head.

"Your an open book my friend" Vi says smiling.

"Well she was my friend, till she started talking to the gun. If shes still in there I would like to see her again."

"And possibly tell her how you feel" Vi says nudging Ekko.

"I wouldn't push it, especially after all the crazy shit she's done."

"It may be just what she needs to hear to snap out of it."

"Maybe, let's get going and find her first, then we'll see."

As the three ready for combat they begin running looking for Jinx.

"Where do you think Jinx could be" Caitlyn asks.

"We check the pub area or ask any of her henchmen where she could be. Once we track her down we take her out. If we take Powder out of the picture her men will collapse without leadership" Vi says.

As the three keep running a black object flys overhead as it comes to stop and lands on the ground in front of them. The three stop as a dark shadowy figure stands before them with red eyes staring them down.

 The three stop as a dark shadowy figure stands before them with red eyes staring them down

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"You know who Jinx is" the figure asks.

"Where is she?"

"What the hell are you" Vi says.

"There's no time, where is Jinx" the figure asks again with more urgency.

"Why should I tell, I don't know who you are?"

"If you don't people will die. Now tell me, WHERE IS JINX" the figure yells.

"Yeah, hard pass" Vi says as she puts up her fists. Her gloves light up as the Hextech core activates as the parts wind up and steam pumps out.

"Your making a mistake. I don't want to fight you."

"Well your attitude says other wise, so leave us alone or I'll make you leave us alone."

"Fine then, I'll just make you tell me one way or another" the figure says.

"We're helping you fight this thing" Ekko says.

"Ekko is right, you shouldn't do this alone" Caitlyn adds.

"Relax you two, I fought things bigger and faster then him, I got this" she says as she faces the bat. Ekko and Caitlyn stand back as they both watch Vi and Batman get into fighting position.

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