Chapter 3| Great and powerful being (1)

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Part note:
With this Chapter was little sad history:
"It is difficult to write from memory (I started doing this because I was in a panic) ... I had difficulties with the PC on which the file was stored (I almost lost 60+ or ​​80+ pages of text) ... I lost so much nerves from- for this ... My mental state affected, so not very good, physical ...
But now everything is in order, (relatively), huh... Everything is alive... except for the cooler from the videocard... my nerve cells and my finger (which was injured in attempts to open the system unit on my own)... After that, a lot more happened ..."

I love you for all your attention to work💙🤗🥧

Two years have passed.

They were dull and faded compared to two years in Cale's world. It seemed that this was bad? Cale didn't have to do anything, rush somewhere. So far has not been burdened by the future. He was just a child and had every right to sit at home carelessly. Sometimes go out for a walk around the neighborhood in the company of Eruhaben or go with him to his workplace. Spend as much money as you like. Play, read, sleep and eat.

The life of a slacker - what is it if not now? Wasn't it the red-haired hard worker who dreamed about its so much?

No. Cale completely disagreed. It was not at all the "life of a slacker" that he dreamed of. Despite the presence of the Ancient Dragon next to him, who became another precious father, his rest of the family was not here. Without them, such a will to act was only a heaviness, a burden, an aching sensation between the ribs. It was like he was eating the same unleavened ramen. It was as if he was re-learning the same tasteless novel, knowing the ending in advance, but not even starting to read it once. Every day became an unbearable madness for him, with which he had to fight. There was no way he could give up.

Unconsciously, while dealing with existential crises, he managed to blow up the Internet several times over the past period of time. Drive a few professors you run into in your new father's seminars crazy. And other little things that couldn't distract him enough from his boredom.

Discussing future events with Eruhaben and reading his notes, Cale tried to think over a strategy of action. It was the best way, oddly enough, but expected for an analytical mindset. Making plans for returning to the family was the only way to abstract from the current routine. Yes, he could not distinguish or even get acquainted with some of the events / names, but this did not prevent him from looking for non-standard ways to extract data. You could tell your thoughts to the interlocutor in order to judge the correctness of your own judgments by his reaction.

They came to the conclusion that in this world it is worth sticking with the main character and his company. Among scenarios that know no mercy, the unknown does not suit them.
The Henituses bought two ant farms the other day. The colonies were quite numerous. They had a hard time transferring all living creatures into a test tube, when the unfortunate duo paid attention to the final preparations. Thanks to their responsible approach, these two flasks were now within easy reach in the Dragon's Inner Dimension.

Now they were sitting in the subway carriage.

Golden eyes carefully examined the passengers. Eruhaben kept in mind that the protagonist's face must be distorted for others due to censorship. That's why he was looking for such a person. However, the Dragon was slightly surprised, noting the awkward man sitting next to the brown-haired woman. The dragon could see his features clearly and distinctly enough.

And I already knew why.

The man could not be called 'ugly'. Naturally, next to the beautiful Golden Dragon, he will look closer to the ant. But comparing the looks of the people he had met during those two years, Eruhaben could say with certainty that the man was definitely and obviously above average in appearance. It would not even be a shame to use the expression 'beautiful' in relation to an office worker. Of course, he is inferior to the bastard sitting next to him with the same sacrificial type of thinking in the matter of appearance.

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