Chapter 16| Children need a lot of sleep

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take a look at this art by Noname Sorem-nim:


Cale had no intention of interfering with Kim Dokja's plans at this station. So he calmly stayed in the tent assigned to him along with the others while the unwarned Reader went to save Donghoon, who was no longer under hypnosis. Unfortunately, he had to lend the protagonist the Hermit Cloak he received, which allowed him to become invisible when he decided to go on his sorties. Minus two applications. Cale was unhappy and intended to force the Reader to buy him another one for when he can't ask for Eruhaben's invisibility spell.

Kim Dokja successfully made his way to the Hermit King's tent, amazed that the boy was already fine and was waiting for him to come. The reader had a short conversation with the teenager, confirming Cale's words. Dokja now had internet on his phone.

And while part of his group was wreaking havoc outside, he snuck into the tent with the two Prophets and attacked Jung Minseob. The sword slashed through the armour, slightly cutting the skin, and an azure flag fell to the floor. This man was a real leader. The reader picked up the object and it merged with the existing flag, repainting it brown.

The prophets began to threaten and asked why Joonghyuk was doing this.

To which they responded:

"Even if I were the real Yoo Joonghyuk, I wouldn't make an alliance with the likes of you." Both men stared at Kim Dokja. A wide smile appeared on the face of the owner of the Fourth Wall, and laughter soon sounded: - You should have read to the end.

Such a simple truth.

Cale, if he heard this, would remember how he himself fell asleep after reading only five volumes of the guidebook written by Choi Han's uncle. How would it be easier if he read more. But even so, knowing only the events before the Battle of Henituse Territory, the former Kim Rok Soo was able to save their world. He was not someone as insignificant as those Prophets. Not with that life, experience and abilities. He was someone who could handle any situation with the bare minimum of knowledge about it.

The night flew by quickly, but allowed plenty of sleep and recuperation. Dokja couldn't help but be touched by the sight that met his eyes: Cale was once again sleeping like a groundhog, using the long-suffering teenager as a bed and pillow for a toy. For some reason, the Reader felt uncomfortable when he felt the gaze. It was as if someone was looking at him very carefully and interestedly. Although no. Or rather, not one look, but many, like an audience of a packed meeting room that happened from time to time at his work, bored with their views of a speaker defending his project.

The man dismissed this delusion as soon as he noticed the open red eyes. Does he take off his lenses? It seems to be unhealthy. However, that was not his problem.

Although the character he argued vehemently about with one person in the comments has changed. For the better. This was very striking in the eyes of a single reader. Chunibyu has become a responsible guardian. Maybe it wasn't bad that Eruhaben saved him.

Namwoon's hand lightly patted Cale's shoulder. Waking him up wasn't the best thing when the baby liked to sleep, but it was better than being woken up outside by the voices of all kinds of people. A teenager will have to listen to grumbling and examine the gloomy puffed up face too.

The trio went outside together as Namwoon eased his burden and stood up. Cale yawned and blinked sleepily, catching bits of the fading sleep while he could. His baby eyelashes were stuck together, but that didn't stop him from opening his eyelids.

Outside, Jung Heewon and Lee Hyunsung were already waiting for them, and soon Lee Sungkook and Jung Minseob also arrived. On the latter, Kim Dokja, who accepted them into the Chungmuro group, imposed restrictions, taking advantage of the position of leader. If they disobey and decide to do something without his permission or order, they will die. However, a couple of Prophets did not resist and calmly accepted their fate. Have they learned to think? But Cale approved of the Reader's approach. It is better to keep the leash in your hands stronger.

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