Chapter 17| Looking forward to meeting you

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Part note:

In this chapter, I took the liberty to come up with how one of the canonical abilities from one of the novels works, because it was not shown in action in the novel itself.


Perhaps you have already seen, but a great reaction on wydc from Sasha-nim:


Chungmuro Station

Since the departure of the group of five people, including: the head of this station, two children, a swordsman and a shield, there were no major incidents.

Under the leadership of the beautiful Yoo Sangah, who was appointed deputy leader, people trained, honed strategies for defense, distributed other duties, and punished the disobedient. In general, everything progressed measuredly, but developing. An unorganized disparate crowd became a cohesive organization.

No wonder Sangah worked in the personnel department. Even though she was soft and insecure, she could do her job right.

Gon Pildu sat with Gilyoung sleeping on his lap, and when he looked at the ten-year-old boy, he remembered his family. Wife and son. He bought land in order to sell it and provide for his family, and buy land again, and so on in an endless cycle. To snatch the land at a higher price and resell - his life, what made him strong now.

It would be a lie to say that he didn't care about them. He was not callous at heart, as he tried to look on the outside. Otherwise, Yoo Sangah, who approached them, did not say that he was smiling while looking at the boy.

The easy, though reluctant on the part of the man, conversation was interrupted shortly after it began by loud noises from the fourth path, the tunnel from Hoi Hyong.

*Ku ku ku ku !

Something was approaching and forcing the woman to issue formation orders and the man to activate the "Armed Zone, Lv. 8". Even Gilyoung woke up and sat up. People quickly, obeying the order of the deputy, were distributed on the platform to the appropriate positions, which they trained in the morning. Someone stood in the forefront, someone defended Gon Pildu - their main weapon of mass destruction - and someone on the defensive.

The turrets started firing. The victims were ordinary earth rats. True, their number was extensive. But even this number was quickly overwhelmed - such weak monsters were nothing for the upgraded Landowner.

However, this was not the end, when a woman's voice was heard from the tunnel:
"So the Flute of Hamelin is not enough?"

"How can you compare the creatures of the ninth grade with the place that Yoo Joonghyuk chose for himself?" - bored answered a male unknown voice.

And out of the darkness, a group appeared, equal in number to the one that left to capture Dongmyo. Even in sex ratio they were equal: four men and one woman. They looked strange. Abnormal even - prompted the sixth sense.

Pildu's intuition and prudence, developed over the years, made him realize that these unknown upstarts are dangerous. He called out for someone to call "samurai girl". She was a strong unit. The apprentice of the bastard who haunted the Landsholders' Alliance when it still existed.

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