Maraschino Ruby

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"Come on Wolf, it's too dangerous, why would we steal the maraschino ruby?" Snake asked, hissing at the utter dumbness of this heist. Wolf had a completely understandable reason.

"Thought we had a clean slate, look what the chief said about us." Wolf explained, pointing to the paper he was holding. Snake's eyes fell on the words as he read it. As they walked out, Wolf read it aloud for 'better' understanding. "The ruby is safe from those STUPID lame and STUPID bag guys." Snake jumped back in playful amusement.

"Whoa, two stupids?!" Snake asked Wolf, slithering towards his car door. The two had just come out of the cafe and Wolf happened to pick up the recent news on the way out. "Okay, I'm in." As he slammed his door with his tail, he passed Sabrina back a push pop he'd bought her while he was inside. Wolf noticed. 

"Hey, did you pay for that push pop?" Wolf exclaimed after noticing. Snake gave him a small smirk. He had no shame in doing whatever was called 'bad'. 

"What? No." He asked, no shame or guilt lurking in his voice. 

"Well did you at least pay for Sabrina's?" Wolf asked.

"You wanna see the receipt?!" Snake sent a grin Wolf's way before they heard sudden police sirens. Even the slightest theft made the police arrive when it was the bad guys causing it. 

"Uh oh." Sabrina muttered, suddenly kicking Snake's seat to say something. "Po-weece." Sabrina pronounced the word about just like that before Wolf hit the gas with his foot and they zoomed off. 

"Let's do this." Another high speed chase was coming their way. 

"Okay, first to get to the ruby we'll need disguises," Wolf said, taking his place as the trademark bad guys leader.

"I got this." Shark told him.

"Then we'll break our way in," With a short pause, Piranha jumped in.

"Wam-OH!" He shouted out.

"Hack the security system," As Wolf added, Webs felt the need to jump in and take position as the hacker and techno-wiz.

"Said and done." She stated.

"Crack the lock," Wolf let out, turning to his best friend. 

"Hands-free!" Snake chanted happily.

"We could also use a distraction." Wolf finished, turning towards the little villain in the back.

"Me?" Sabrina asked, pointing to herself and showing her gap-toothed smile. 

"And then finally," Wolf finished telling them. Whenever they got there, Wolf finally had his hands around the ruby.

"AHA!" Chief called out, the thief taking a pause. "Gotcha! I knew you couldn't resist me calling ya stupid twice-" She paused when she noticed it wasn't any of the members. "Officer Bob?" She asked, making the police stand up straight. "What are you doing here?" 

"The city news reported that the Maraschino Ruby is possibly fake and..." The officer paused, gazing skeptically at the red ruby. "It does seem like it's made of candy!" Officer Bob began to lick it a bit and Chief rolled her eyes. 

"Of course it is! I made it myself!" She began to tell the 'sTuPiD' officer. "The real one is with me at all times. This was all an elaborate plot to catch the bad guys!" The officer nodded. 

"I thought they'd gone good but it turns out they were arrested earlier today." Chiefs plotting smile dropped at the police's words.


"That's two stupid's too many, Chief." Wolf began to say as the chief came inside. 

"I can't believe my eyes!" The Police Chief turned to her fellow cop. 

"They were taken in this morning for stealing a..." He paused. "A push pop?" He turned to all of them, slightly confused. Snake licked his push pop without shame, and Sabrina gleefully sucked on the whole thing, giggling. 

"Allegedly." Snake muttered before pulling his push pop down slowly. He turned and took Sabrina's too, earning he frown and arm-crossing. 

"A crime is a crime and you are guilty!" Chief's voice trailed off happily as she laughed. "Even if it's for a minor legal infraction," She paused and pointed at Wolf. "Case closed. I win and you-" Someone burst in the door, interrupting the chief.

"Objection!" Shark-who was currently disguised as an attorney-began in his deep lawyer voice. "You lost an attorney at law. And I am outraged," He paused to slam down his briefcase. "OUTRAGED!" He shouted out. "To see my poor frightened clients being interrogated without their lawyer present." As he said this, Sabrina sent the chief a puppy-dog eyed sad face, one which earned the chiefs blink only. "Which I am exhibiting a receipt for 79 cents," The chief stole the receipt and was shocked to see the truth. "Which proves they are entirely innocent! Furthermore, planting a fake ruby for them to steal is called entrapment which is an illegal crime," Shark was good at this. "Officer, arrest this officer."

"WHAT?!" Chief was overall shocked at the sudden take down from one lawyer. "That is ridiculous," Officer Bob handcuffed her.

"It's true, I'm sorry." He apologized. "Major legal infraction." 

"Hold on chief!" Wolf called out, picking up a phone from nowhere. "We won't press charges IF," He paused. "You'd like to retract a certain statement." When the person on the other end of the phone answered, the chief allowed an embarrassed gritting of teeth to fall onto her face. 

Later on, the chief was crying, and Officer Bob had just brought in the news paper. "There, there chief, the real maraschino ruby has been returned to the museum."

"Wait but-" The chief stuttered after a realization. "I didn't return the-ruby-" She began to check her pockets, and that's when she realized the whole plan.

"I guess they're not so bad after all." The officer said.

"Oh even..." She broke the pop in half. "DANG IT!" 

"Lookie here!" Wolf began to say. "The ruby is safe from these NOT SO STUPID bad guys." Snake laughed at the headliner, getting into the car. "It was surprisingly easy."

"Like taking candy from a large and very angry baby." Snake stated, swallowing the ruby whole and chuckling. 

"Hey," Sabrina whined.

"Oh yeah, sorry Sabrina." He passed her back the push pop he'd taken from her earlier. She giggled and retrieved it.

"Thanks!" She muttered out.

"Aw." The whole gang crooned before zooming off into the distance. 

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