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Nadeshiko walks along the hallway towards student council room. Once in a while, she yawns. 'Taking an early morning train can be really tiring' think Nadeshiko as she yawns again. 


She looks at Nana that stands nearby. 

"Nana. Anything you need?" asked Nadeshiko. 

The Raven school idol walks towards her twin sister and start tying her hair. 

"Let's exchange for today. You as me and me as you," said Nana, tying her sister hair into Nana Nakagawa hairstyle. 

"Why?" asked Nadeshiko, looking at Nana that puts her glasses away and untie her hair. 

"After I see how Hikawa's disguise and acts like her sister, so I want to try," said Nana. 

"Which Hikawa? Both of them did the same as each other concert," said Nadeshiko. 

"The one with short hair," said Nana. 

"Hina-chan?" asked Nadeshiko as her twin sister nods. 

The raven blunette sighs. 

"It's not that simple, Nana. I'm not just high school student and Vice President of Student Council. Don't forget about my job," said Nadeshiko. 

"I know, Oneechan. That's why I want to exchange today. You as Nana Nakagawa and me as Nadeshiko Nakagawa," said Nana. 

"Nadeshiko Kurosawa," corrected Nadeshiko, matter of fact. 

"Please Oneechan. I want to learn about you. I want to understand about you, my own twin sister," pleaded Nana. 

The older twin sighs as she picks up her phone. 

"Fine but only in my school life. My job is off limits," said Nadeshiko as Nana sighs.

Later, Nana looks at Nadeshiko that walks out, wearing a similar glasses. 

"You wear glasses?" asked Nana. 

"Nope. This is a modified glasses that has high advanced technology," said Nadeshiko as she wears the glasses. 

She looks at her twin sister and sighs. 

"I still think it won't work," said Nadeshiko. 

"Reason?" asked Nana. 

"First, our different of height. Second, your acting as me is still need a lot of work. Third, the hair. I have blue at the tip of my hair," said Nadeshiko. 

"Just give it a try, Oneechan," said Nana. 

"Do you even know how to act as me? My character is more than just what you see," said Nadeshiko. 

Before Nana could say anything, the bell rings indicates the class begins. 

"Let the switch begins," muttered Nadeshiko.

(On this onwards, Nadeshiko will act as Nana/Setsuna while Nana will act as Nadeshiko)

At lunch, Nadeshiko walks towards the clubroom. 'Good thing I cancel the today's plan at the agency. I know Setsuna's performances are bare up on par as professionals so if she performs as me, my job will be in jeopardize' thinks Nadeshiko. 


She looks at Rina that stands nearby. 

"I'm sorry, Rina-san. I am just distracted," said Nadeshiko in her Setsuna voice. 

The duo walk in. 

"Good afternoon everyone," said Nadeshiko. 

"Hello Setsuna-chan," said Ayumu.